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Rob Rock

Hey Rob, let's talk about the new IMPELLITTERI album first. What means the title
"Crunch"? Has it any special meaning for the album?

““Crunch” is a term we used to describe the sound of the album. It's also a guitar setting term used on alot of equipment. Chris thought of the title and the Japanese record company came up with the cover.”

Before the album was released, I heard some rumors, that it would be a brutal Heavy Metal album in the vein of PANTERA. But now that I heard it, I can only say, that it's a typical IMPELLITERRI album. How do you think about that?

“Chris Impellitteri had a certain vision he was shooting for when he was writing the music. He added the vibe and elements of certain bands like WHITE ZOMBIE and PANTERA within the rythyms. But by the time we overdubbed the guitars and vocals, our natural sound poured out over the songs and the result was our IMPELLITTERI sound with a few new flavorings. We were careful not to go completely off of the IMPELLITTERI chart and change our sound but we were also excited to be dabbling in different areas. The record company also suggested the order of songs so it would appear more as a typical IMPELLITTERI album and not disappoint our fans.”

Neverthelesse the album shows some new influences. Especially the hardcore vocals and scratch-fx on "Wasted earth" show a cool new side on IMPELLITTERI!?

“Yeah, I think "Wasted Earth", "Fear No Evil", and "Slay The Dragon" show the most new influences. I also stretch alot with the lyrics in a few tunes. "Wasted Earth" has the PANTERA style drums going on in the front too.”

I love "Fear no evil" coz it shows something new in you voice. You sing surprising dark-deep - it's cool - I love it!? Do you agree, that there's something new in your voice?

“Oh yeah, the vocal on that was a blast! Easy range for me. It was alot of fun to go there vocally and I was inspired by the Rob Zombie style on that one for the verses. The lyrics are trippy on that one too.”

I think it's unbelievable what Chris plays on "Spanish fire". I heard many fast solos, but what he has done on this track is outstanding genius! What did you think, when you heard this song for the first time?

“I loved that song from day one. It's really cool and sounds great. The first day I heard it in the studio I was impressed and glad Chris achieved a great song.”

IMPELLITTERI are still working with Michael Wagener, who makes guitars sounding REEEAAAAL heavy. How do you think about the cooperation with him?

“Michael came to L.A. and set up all the sounds so they would go to tape right and the basic tracks sound awesome. I honestly was hoping he would mix the album too, but it didn't work out that way.”

Do you know anything new regarding a European release of "Crunch"?

“To be honest, Chris and I aren't elated with the mix result and I think Chris is considering a re-mix before releasing it to other territories. The mix is o.k. but we know what is on tape, and what is on tape is killer. The record company is fine with the mix, so maybe we are just crazy. Sometimes when you work on an album so long and so hard you need a reality check.”

I took a look in the guestbook of the IMPELLITTERI website and I found a signing by Yngwie Malmsteen. He imputes a theft to Chris that he is only to copying him! First I laughed, then I became angry about such a sensless comment. How do you think about that?

“I think that it must be a joke someone has played. Chris is often compared with Yngwie and maybe some fan is trying to be funny.”

What are your further plans with Impellitteri? Will you go on tour? And what about a official live album? I've got the "Live! Fast! Loud!" bootleg, but the sound on it is not perfect. So I'm still waiting for a real live album, ha ha!

“I'm still waiting for a real live album too!! They bootleg like crazy in Japan and I hope to do a real recording done right there. The audience is great and it would be nice to capture the recording and the energy that goes on at our shows. At this moment, there are no concrete plans to speak of. The new album "Crunch" is doing great and I look forward to going back to Japan.”

Bands like JOSHUA or IMPELLITTERI are named to be White Metal bands. What do you think about classifications like this?

“I think it is unfair and unnecessary to label bands. We sing about positive things and play Metal but I don't want to be classified before someone gets to think for themselves and decide on the music. We make first class recordings and songs and I want to be heard before being judged. Let the music do the talking, not some marketing label.”

What role plays god in your life?

“God is number one in my life. Everything I am and all that I have comes from him and I wish everyone would get to know him.”

Okay, and now we have to talk about your forthcoming solo album "Rage of creation". When and why did you decide to record a solo album and how did the cooperation with Roy Z come together again?

“I've been waiting for four years to do this solo album! Chris and I both thought we would do solo albums one day and whenever I thought of how I would do mine, I always thought of Roy Z  and all the great songs we demoed together in the past that are just sitting there, waiting to be heard. It took along time to coordinate with JVC/Victor Japan the plan and then I had to wait and work around Roy's busy producing schedule. But it's all in the Lord's timing and I believe that it will come out when the time is right.”

I heard rumors, that you and Roy wanted to re-record the legendary DRIVER EP cassette. What about this?

“Well, we wrote the songs on that recording but I wanted something fresh for my solo album. So we took a look at our previous demos and picked out the best songs that would fit on the album and also wrote some new ones. I wanted to leave the DRIVER EP cassette intact as a collectors item for now.”

What a feeling is it for you to see your own name on your own album?

“It's like a dream come true. I've done alot of albums and recorded with alot of great musicians and bands and now I have the chance to finally record an album my own way without trying to please a whole group of people. It is a great freedom to be calling the shots. It's also a great responsibility. I'm extremely happy with the result!”

How did you find the line-up that recorded "Rage of creation"?

“I discussed the possibilities with Roy  and we both like Butch Carlson on the drums, who was in DRIVER with us, so we called Butch and he was into it. Along with our friend Chris Leibundgut, we contacted our mutual friends; guitarist Jake E. Lee (Ozzy Osbourne, BADLANDS), bassist Ray Burke (LIFE AFTER DEATH), and singer Gregory Analla (TRIBE OF GYPSIES) who helps me with the backing vocals.”

Is there any special meaning behind the album title?

““Rage of Creation” was the title I came up with when I was trying to think of acronyms for my last name. I like that ROC is like ROCK, I just couldn't come up with anything for the "K"! ha ha! I think the name fits great for a band if I need it and the meaning kind of goes along with the lyrics I like to write. Also, the title captures the vibe of the album too.”

What do you think about today's Heavy Metal scene in the USA and what a feeling is it for you as an american musician, to have success in Japan but not in your home country?

“I'm very grateful and I thank God for Japan. The market there is great and I believe Europe is growing as well. The USA is very very trend happy. Bands are hot if they fit the trend that the companys want to push. It's sick to see how money is much more important than the music here in the States. I hope Melodic Metal will meet the masses once again here but I'm not holding my breath. It is disappointing not to have a great success here but if it's the Lord's will for me than I will continue to grow and be successful as a musician. Metal is underground here right now but it seems like it's rising fast!”

Are you still in contact with Axel Rudi Pell and did you follow his career after you left his band?

“I have contact with Axel once and awhile. I see his albums come out and I'm glad he carrys on and is doing well. It would be great to tour in Germany someday and ask him to come on stage so I can sing some "Nasty Reputation" songs with him.”

And what's on with Joshua Periah (JOSHUA/M-PIRE)? Do you know, what he is doing today?

“I have no idea what's up with Joshua. I have no contact with him but I wish him well in whatever he is doing now.”

You have worked with many cool guitarists (Chris, Roy, Joshua, Axel...). What's your personal favorite and why?

“Every guitarist brings something special to the table. When I work with a guitarist I appreciate their talent and individuality. My personal favorite happens to be Roy Z because he is always giving his best for the song and plays so deep from his soul. Every guitarist is great in his own way but Roy makes me feel like he puts the song and the vocal first and as a singer and songwriter that makes me very happy.”

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