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llegaste a mi~you got to me

  • llegaste a mi

    English Translation
    Yo pense que el amor no existía
    que de mi ya se había olvidado
    en el alma
    no iba sanar
    que las cosas que hoy siento
    por ti
    Nunca mas las podría sentir
    que era un sueño imposible
    encontrarme con alguien así
    Yo creí que el amor era un mito
    un tesoro perdido en el mar
    que esta vida tan gris que llevaba
    no iba cambiar
    pero ahora que te tengo aquí
    me doy cuenta que nada es verdad
    que el amor cuando esta para uno
    no tarda en llegar
    Llegaste a mí
    con tanta vida para dar
    y descubrí todo lo hermoso
    que es amar
    Llegaste a mí
    Con tanto amor para brindar
    y comprendí
    que valió la pena esperar por tí
    con tu forma de mirar
    y tu manera de querer
    amor, llegaste a mí
    Yo creí que el amor era un mito
    un tesoro perdido en el mar
    que esta vida tan gris
    que llevaba no iba cambiar

    Llegaste A Mi
    english translation

    REMEMBER: This translation is my personal work. It is most of the times very difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound weird in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. As long as you keep this in mind, you'll get the general idea!

    You Got To Me

    I thought that love did not exist
    That it had forgotten about me
    In my soul
    It could not be healed
    The things that I feel
    For you
    I could never feel them again
    It was an impossible dream
    To find myself with someone like *you
    (literally: “that”, but “you” sounds better)
    I believed that love was a myth
    A treasure lost at sea
    That this life so gray that was passing
    Would never change
    But now that I have you
    I know that none of this is true
    That when love is there for oneself
    It is not late to arrive
    You got to me
    With so much love to give
    I discovered all that is lovely
    That is to love
    You got to me
    With so much love to offer
    I understood
    That it worth the wait for you
    With your manner of looking at me
    And the way with which you love, you got to me
    I believed that love was a myth
    A treasure lost at sea
    That this life so gray that was passing
    Would never change
