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Welcome to our site in the Web!
Thank you for coming in to visit us -and to hear us- and thank you also for your interest in getting to know more about us.

IXOYE is a Christian music band whose main purpose is to transmit to their listeners the message of God's love for all mankind, the opportunity that everyone has to meet Him personally, and the hope to go up with Him to that special place that He has prepared for all those who believed in Him.

Last update to this site:     Sunday July 9, 2000

Today is:

The Band

Band Members

What We Believe

The History

The Songs


During June, July and August we here at IXOYE will take a time for vacation, and we won't be very active musically during this time. Even when we expect to receive your questions and comments just as often as always, and we will be replying to whatever we receive by e-mail or our Guest Book, we believe that a time for rest is very much needed. We'll be visiting the beautiful beaches of Mochima National Park, Anzoátegui state, and if you want to you can give us the good surprise of meeting us over there. Be good during this time and we'll see you upon our return.

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"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another", Jesus.

This time we want to reflect a little of that love that Jesuschrist ordered us to have for the people that sorround us. As christians who desire to learn to follow Jesus's steps, we hope not only to say and demonstrate that we can learn to love others even if they're not directly related to us, but we also hope that the information you find in our Events will be uselful for you to take time to think about other people, who they are and why they are among us. Those are questions that we wonder too, and we see that even when we can find the answers, they belong to the mysteries of the wonderful God we believe in. Our prayer is that together we can feel proud to know that we're obeying Jesus's commad, and letting everyone know that we're His followers, when they see and feel the love we share the one for the other, and to others too.
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If you wish to subscribe to our IXOYE Update Newsletter, where you'll find a preview of all the information published in our site on every update, subscribe by e-mail, typing "IXOYE Update Newsletter" in the title box of your message, and "Subscribe" in the body box. It's free and you'll begin to receive it in our next update.

Have you ever thought about the wonderful body you have? Have you ever thanked God for giving you all that you have in your body? We have bodies in which everything works fine according to what corresponds to each member (or so we consider it!), and yes, every time we think about it we thank God because we can see, hear, feel, speak, touch, walk..., so many things that are so good. But sometimes we complain because not every single thing works to perfection as we would wish. For example, Gustavo has suffered a sprain on his right foot, and his ankle has weakened and he no longer can run like before. Roly's left hand little finger had a dislocation, and he can't play bass as fast as before. But despite our deffects we know that our bodies still do all of its functions, and how many people are there who don't have what we do have? Thanks to God...!

We would like to have a new drummer and a new vocalist in our band, who will have their weekends free to record our 1st cd and to tour around playing concerts in the capital cities of all the states of Venezuela. So if you're good, you like our style and are ready for big music, join us now.

Amidst the great diversity of personalities and specialties in which God has created all mankind, we've published an article about one of those God's special children. Patrick Schermerhorn is a north-american boy whom we don't know in person, and whom we've even never seen. He doesn't know that we exist, but his story makes us know about what makes his existence a special one, and how important it is to keep on going and how valuable it is fighting for progress in our lives. From IXOYE we wish to show our affection and gratefulness to people like Patrick, for teaching us to live. Read his story in our Events.

What would it be like if all of the world's population was reduced to only 100 people? Know about it in "Food For Thought".

We've been told that IXOYE is a band a little bit too much  "noisy", but as we also are a band of many musical options, we want to introduce our friends from the Quinteto Venezuela Brass, a wind enssemble that even when they're just born, they have made up a great outreach all over the country. With their wind instruments they play virtually everything: Chamber, jazz, classical, sinfonic, folklorical, swing..., and soon they'll play some contemporary music too -some of progressive, some of latin rock- because there are plans for a "progressive sinfony concert", featuring Venezuela Brass and IXOYE. We''l let you knoe of coming dates for jam-along activities, but if you want to know who are these excellent musicians and their activities as a band on their own, read about them clicking here.

Write your comments to help us improve this site for you. Just click on "Sign the Guest Book". Right now we're very interested in learning how to write the original words in Greek that identify the sign of the fish. This is a good task for a Biblical Languages student, and we would like you to help us on it to publish the original words in our page of The Band.

Also, if you want to you can take a look at who else has visited us lately and their comments, by clicking on "View the Guest Book".
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Since January 01, 2000.
Thanks for your visit and don't forget to come back soon.

Contact us:

Electronic Mail:

Voice/Faxes: (02)573-1970     -     (02)242-0264

Snail Mail:
Centro de Operaciones IXOYE
Attn.: Roly & Gustavo
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel
# 610, calle Urdaneta, entre Miranda y Av. Ppal.
La Castellana.
Caracas, Edo. Miranda 1060

Visit our friends too!

Quinteto Venezuela Brass
Daniel Petty
Iglesia Cristiana del Centro Plaza

The Band     |     Band Members     |     What We Believe     |     The History     |     The Songs     |     Events     |     Classified Ads

This website has been totally developed  by the band members of IXOYE with the excellent help and advice of Daniel Petty, 10th grader at Academia Cristiana Internacional de Caracas, and of Eloy Gutiérrez,  IXOYE's Computer Technology Advisor, who donated their knowledge and efforts in our favor. We're specially grateful to them.

This site has been translated to English by Roly and Gustavo.
All corrections to mistakes in language and typing, lack or misunderstanding of information should be sent to IXOYE.