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If you have WindowsMedia,you should be hearing a special treat.

Gonzo Marretti
No no no no no.
"'s just about respect"?
Uh huh. Good one,guys.

For future reference,the following phrases are hereby banned from NSYNC lips:

1.)"The next Level"
2.)"An EDGIER sound"
3.)"Keep it real"
4.) Any sentence that contains the word "cat".
(ie: yo,I gots mad respect for that cat)

On that note,I am sick of hearing pop artists say they are working on a more rock/R&B feel.
Just once I'd like to hear JC say something like "Yeah,you know..our next album is definately bringing us to a more Reggae/Salsa vibe.I think it works."

Updated: Aug 29,2001

Disclaimer: We at Gravy Baby understand that humor is not for everyone. Some people are unable to comprehend the entire concept. Such individuals should leave immediately. (This means you,little future "Mrs. Timberlake") None of the crew here at Gravy are affilliated with any member of NSYNC (no matter how much we'd like to be).
One more thing,stealing is bad.Very bad.Don't do it.We know where you live.

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