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The C9C Web Page

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The industrial-metal band Church of the 9 Candles (known more by their acronym, C9C) is poised to release their debut CD of the same name. This page will periodically update the progress of that release.

The current line-up is Ken Gage (lead vocals) and Mike Schusler (lead & rhythm guitars). It has yet to be confirmed if Pat Thomas (keyboardist of In-Pulse) will continue with the band, although he has already done some studio work for the upcoming album. Bassist Jay Riippi (of The Switch) may also lend his talents to the recording.

Ken Gage

When asked about their lack of a drummer, Ken Gage responded, "We're not a traditional band. I wouldn't even call our music rock. So it's not like we need a drummer to fit into that generic formula of rock music. Not every song needs percussion. And for those that do, the beat can be carried by any repetitive sound -- forge hammers, crunched glass, howls of agony... Besides, most drummers are assholes. That's why Satan created the drum machine."

Mike Schusler

Ken Gage -