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A thief in the night only steals out of need. A thief steals possessions to satisfy greed.

The one you love can steal what's inside, not your possessions, they rip off your pride.

They rip off the love that was theirs anyway, love saved for a lifetime, is taken away.

They take what you give and steal all the best. They keep all the good stuff and leave all the rest.


When inside the need is great, some times you stop or hesitate, when driven by anothers fate.

You can't walk away from the feel of kindness.

You can't turn your back on love's sweet blindness.

Love is a comforting state of heart, once in love you never part.

Though things may change from day to day, loves you've had won't go away.

Your love today becomes a part, of others that have touched your heart.

Love is a gift that was given to you, by one at the time, was faithfull and true.

Though they may part, and soon be gone,

the love you shared will linger on..... with you.


In your mind a vision lies, you're sorting out what's deep inside,

something you can't understand, Something you can't comprehend.

You sort your visions of ghosts you see, try as you might you can't get free.

They hide themselves far behind, a cloud obscured, deep in your mind.

Your mind is playing games with you, your heart and soul are messed up too.

Ghosts that you can visualize, in your mind you rationalize.

Some visions in the day take flight, the others take on ghostly fright,

then reappear in the lonesome night.


Though sometime I think I see, where in life I want to be.

Sometime I'm caged, sometime I'm free. A study in dichotomy.

Commitments take their share of time, the things I do I like just fine.

A promise here, a promise there, I make commitments everywhere.

I only hope that deep in me, my mind sees the dichotomy.

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