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 Well here you are at the fastest growing gateway to (. com) shopping and online business, thanks for coming aboard, you will have fun surfin' the net and maybe pick up a few ideas for your own enterprise. We have found some exciting places for you to visit and turn your surfing into profits.

 Nearly all of the pages that you will visit have affiliate programs that you may join for discounts, business opportunities and freebies. Many have money making opportunities are as simple as placing a link on your site. Make money and friends while you surf the net.


I have included a page with tons of Business Opportunities. If you haven't thought about your own business on the web you might want to consider it. I am just kicking mine off but many of my friends are making enough to supplement their real time job. Some have actually done so well that the net has replaced their real time efforts.

Sounds great doesn't it

 Work from your home and live a relaxed life style. Spend less time commuting and more time developing your web empire. Wouldn't it be great if you could develop a great site that the kids could work at too? Think of the possibilities, the power of the net is indisputable. The growth of this community is massive, wait until China cuts loose and gets into the equation.


own Internet business. Isn't it interesting that the major movers were the Internet stocks?


<  Isn't it amazing that so many have made so much from so little? Silicone valley is full of millionaires that have fulfilled their financial dreams at a young age. Probably have more millionaires under age 21 than any time in the history of mankind. Well guess what, there is still plenty of opportunity for us, lets not let it pass us up.


 I have never been a proponent of multi-level schemes, but as you will see going through my links, the stores are major real-time retailers marketing a variety of products that are sold through individual store fronts like us. We act as a referring system or brokers and are paid for the sales we refer. Major retailers are looking for folks like us to help them capture market share.

 I have a game plan that forms a market strategy; it doesn't take much effort on any ones part to start the ball rolling. We can hitch hike so to speak on what has already been developed. It's kind of a free ride. Then find more merchants to put into the cycle.<P>

 It only takes about seven people to set up a matrix, those same seven people can market to seven more and so on. Looks to me that the real key is to find seven people that will join your group, then look for new businesses to market and each of the seven reciprocate with new marketing opportunities.

 How about trying something for me, check out a few of the links then email and let me know what you think. Fell free to join any of the affiliate links you wish or shop your pocket books content.

 I look forward to hearing back, please include "Shop" in the header so I can give you immediate attention. If you would like to join me in the program, I will make up the web page for you and you will be in business for yourself. That's easy enough isn't it. Well, Happy Trails to you and have fun shopping.

 >We are lucky to have the credit card people taking care of our on line orders, you can imagine the time it saves you and the additional profits you can make with their help. These are the folks I would recommend. Talk to my friend DAG, he is most attentive to your details and makes a rather difficult task a breeze.


100 inch TV,


 I have three personal lines that I hope to have ready to go very soon and you can help me market those through the system as well.


 How about a liquor extender? You can buy your favorite liquor and use my recipe to double the original quantity at a very low cost. In other words, 1 gallon of Crown can be extended to 2 gallons without losing the original taste.


 How about a wide range of concentrated non-alcoholic liqueurs, one pint of concentrate when mixed with 1 pint of the cheapest vodka makes into a quart of exceptional liqueur.


 The final is a line of casual DRAW STRING sportswear made of high quality cotton, sort of a two size fit all apparel. Nice design for loafing around the house, your favorite pub or a morning jog.

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