AFA Sucks-Hypocrites talk about Card Captors Sakura the Movie 1

This is to every Cardcaptor Sakura fan visiting
this site. I am shocked to say that when I was
visiting thisI found something disturbing. The AFA
(American Family ASSociation) has been bad
mouthing the Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 1 ever since
it was released. Special Project Director Randy
Sharp, has discribed the movie
as "filth", "Trash", and things you don't want to
hear. He also stated that the main Character name
Sakura was Satan Rules in Japanese. Please,
Sakura means Cherry Bloosoms in Japanese. The
worst thing was that he said the Japanese are
devil worshipers. When he watched the movie he
said that Sakura was riding on a broomstick, when
in fact she was riding on her wand, with help
from the Fly card. In my opinion they are a bunch
of hypocrites. They should focus on trying to
take South Park off the air then trying to stop
people from watching Cardcaptor Sakura. Now,
People may say that I am too old to watch this
kind of show but come on, the show(including the
movies) is funny, cute, and down right fun to
watch. They can just go to Hell for all I care.
Now spread the word to all CCS fans and unite to
stop these hypocrites from poisoning our minds
with their lies. Stand up for what YOU believe
in. The AFA has gone too far and they must be
stopped at all cost.

P.S. e-mail me about your thought's on this subject.

Shows lyrics to songs from the #1 hit series Card Captor Sakura