Kranoa's Sword - Chapter 3

Kranoa’s Sword

Chapter 3

A Small Detour

After traveling for seven days from the town of
Mirono, our team of demon slayers have arrived at
the port of Zeno. As they enter the port the
crystal pointed to the west.

Blain: Hey Cingania, I thought you said the Earth
User was living in the south? Now the crystal
points to the west.

Cingania: Well, I tried telling you that two days
ago, but you didn’t listen.

Blain then hits Cingania in the head with a paper fan.

Blain: You idiot, you said no such thing.

Jane: So the Earth User is now due west of our location?

Kazemoto: I’m afraid so m’lady.

Blain and company look to the west all thinking
where could the Earth User be. All of a sudden
Jane’s face goes from serious to sheer terror.

Jane: He or she can’t be there?

Blain: Where the hell are you talking about?

Jane then points to a group of islands in the

Jane: They are the Vamira Islands. People say
that is where a clan of vampires dwell.

Cingania: Come on Jane, vampires do not exist any more.

Jane: They don’t, are ya sure?

Cingania: Uhh! I think so.

Jane: Are you really sure?

Cingania: Ahhh? Well.

Jane: Are you telling the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?

Cinania: Shut the fuck up! I am telling ya the truth!

Kazemoto: How dare you speak that way to Jane-dono?!

Cingania: I’m sorry, Jane.

Blain then appears out of nowhere.

Blain: We have to stay here the night.

Jane: Hey, don’t sneak up on us like that.

Blain: Scary cat.

Jane: What did you call me?

Blain: anyway, I found an inn. So in the morning
we will get a ride to our next destination.

Jane: You don’t mean...?

Blain: Yup, the Vamira Islands.

Jane: I knew you were going to say that.

Kazemoto: Don’t you worry Jane-dono. I will be by
your side no matter what.

Cingania: Then why are your knees shaking?

Kazemoto: I am just excited ya moron.

Blain: Enough, let us save our energy for tomorrow.

Jane: Yeah you are right, I am a bit tired. So
let us get some shut eye.

The next day, Blain, Jane, and their Elemental
Spirits, set out to find a boat to rent.

Old Man: Sorry, but all my boats are rented out.

Jane: Shit, so how are we suppose to get to the
Vamira Islands now?

Blain: I thought you did not want to go?

Jane: Look, I just want to find the Earth User as
quickly as possible.

Blain: I know, but he/she can be on any of the
three islands. So it might take us a while.

Old Man: So, you are heading to the Vamira Islands?

Blain: Yes, so when will you have a boat available.

Old Man: Why don’t ya check back in four days.

Jane: Excuse me but we need a boat now!

Blain: Jane, all the boats are gone. There is
nothing he can do.

Jane: I’m sorry.

Old Man: Don’t ya worry lass. I am sorry about
the situation here.

Blain: It’s all right sir. I guess we will have
to stay here until then.

As they were walking back to the inn, they heard
someone scream.

Blain: Let’s go see what’s up.

Jane: Right!

When they got to the Center Square, a group of
people are running around screaming.

Blain: What happened here?

Woman: A young girl got kidnaped by a demon.

Blain(thinking): It has come to this.

Jane: Where did it go with her?

Woman: It disappeared into thin air and then I
heard the girl yell in that direction.

Kazemoto: I sense demon activity to the North.

Jane: Yo! Blain, stop spacing out. We have to
save that poor girl.

Blain: Right, Kazemoto, lead the way.

They followed Kazemoto to an old warehouse at the
edge of the port. As they got close they could
hear the demons talk amongst themselves.

Demon 1: Ah! What a fine young one you brought us.

Demon 2: How old is she?

Demon 3: I say at least fifteen to seventeen in
human years.

Blain and Jane peek through an open window to see
what was happening.

Demon 4: Did you bring me an offering?

Girl: Let me go, Please!

Demon 4: Shut up, human bitch!

It slaps her across the face. Blain looks at Jane
as a whirlwind forms around her.

Blain: Calm down, Jane. We don’t want them to
know we are here yet.

Jane: Yeah! but...

Blain: Wait a few seconds. Looks like that one is
their leader.

Demon 4: I, Mosoba, will have a grand time with
you girl.

Girl: No please don’t!

Mosoba: Silence! You are now my sex slave, human.

Girl: Ahh! No I am too young!

Mosoba: Ha! Age does not matter to me.

Mosoba grabs the girls shirt and rips it off.
Jane stands up in a rage and rushes in.

Blain: Jane, not yet! Get back here!

Mosoba: What?! Who the hell are you?

Jane lands a punch on Mosoba and grabs the girl
from the other demons.

Jane: You keep your filthy hands off of her ya brute!

Mosoba: Ha! I like a girl with a lot of energy
like you.

Jane: Enough, I will kick the living shit out of
ya until you are black, blue, and red!

Jane grabs one of her daggers and charges toward
Mosoba’s Underlings.

Mosoba: You don’t have a chance in Necros.

Mosoba rams Jane and she plows into the south wall.

Mosoba: Where is that girl at?

Blain: She is heading toward her home as we speak.

Mosoba: Who the hell are ya?!

Blain: I am the last thing you will see, before I
slit your ugly ass throat.

Mosoba: Go and slice him to ribbons my underlings!

Demon 1 goes in for the kill but all of a sudden
flames start whirling around his katanas.

Blain: Here is my special attack called Fire Wheel!

Blain spins toward demon 1, slicing it in half
and setting it on fire.

Blain: Burn First Degree!!!

Demons 2 & 3 are burned to ashes.

Mosoba: I know who you are. You are Blain
Komoshiro, descendant of Kranoa Komoshiro!

Blain: Looks like there’s a brain in that small
head of yours.

Mosoba: My lord will be pleased if I bring him
your head.

Blain: If you survive!

As their swords clash, Jane recovers from
Mosoba’s attack.

Kazemoto: Are you all right, Jane-dono?

Jane: Barely, where were you when I needed you?

Kazemoto: You moved in so fast I could not catch up.

Jane: Well we need to help Blain out now

Kazemoto: Lead the way m’lady.

Mosoba: Stay out of our battle human bitch!

The room grows quiet.

Mosoba: What? Why did you stop fighting?

Blain: I am not your opponent now.

Mosoba: What do you mean? I hope you are not
talking about that human bitch over there.

Jane: Mosoba!!!!!!!!

Mosoba turns around. After hearing what he called
her, a gust of wind whirls around her.

Jane: You will regret calling me that!!!

Jane then charges toward Mosoba. In a rage, she
grabs her daggers and starts carving Mosoba up.

Mosoba: Ah! Get her off of me!!!

Blain: You reap whet you sew, Mosoba.

After slashing Mosoba over 50 times, Jane finally
calms down. Then she gives Mosoba a kick in the
gut sending him flying to the east wall.

Jane: Hahh! Much better.

Cingania: Blain, remind me to never get on her
bad side.

Blain: I hear ya, Cingania.

Mosoba*Cough* Why you little...

Blain: I would stop there if I were you.

He points his blade at Mosoba’s throat.

Blain: Now, who is this lord? Tell me or I will
give this interrogation to Jane.

Mosoba: Like I would tell you my lords name.

Blain: Ok, you want to play hard ball. I will ask
you a question, if you don’t give me the answer I
seek I will one of your fingers. First Question,
Why are you here in the first place?

Mosoba: My lord told me to wait here for you to
arrive so I may kill ya.

Blain: Question two, Why did you kidnap that girl?

Mosoba: I was bored so I asked my underlings to
bring a human girl to me so I may have some
entertainment in here.

Blain: Like a sex slave?

Mosoba: Hey, the younger the better.

Blain snaps Mosoba’s left thumb off it’s socket.

Mosoba: I thought you were going to break my
fingers if I did not give you your answer?

Blain: Sorry, but you were making me sick. Now,
last question, who is your so called lord?

Mosoba: I will give yo but one word.

Blain: And that is....what?

Mosoba: Blood...lust.

With that said, Mosoba dies from his wounds.

Blain: Who is this Bloodlust?

Jane: I think I have heard of that name before.

Jane paces around a bit.

Jane: Now I remember, Zander Bloodlust, president
of Star

Blain: Is that the company that manufactures the
latest in weapon technology.

Jane: Yes, and the same company that also makes
those net tv’s you see everywhere.

Blain: Humph! It will be hard to flush him out.
So where is his headquarters?

Jane: Wait, do we need to look for the others?

Cingania: She is right Blain, we still need to
find the Earth, Water, Lightning, and Ice Users.

Kazemoto: We can deal with Zander when the time comes.

Blain: Your right, we got four days to prepare
for our voyage to the Vamira Islands.

Jane: Can we just look for the others first and
forget about the Earth User for now?

Blain: Sorry, but the crystal can only locate one
elemental user at a time. So let us return to the
inn to rest for the night.

Jane(Thinking): This can’t be true. Why does the
Earth user have to be on such a dreadful place?
Well I got four days to conquer my fears and be
victorious. I hope I can go through with this to
the very end. I will not lose. Not now not ever.

End of Chapter 3