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Season XXV
Concert Schedule
Spring 2006

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Spring 2006:

April 22 & 23
Lauda Jerusalem (RV609)

Antonio Vivaldi
Vivaldi pic

Beatus Vir (RV598)
Laudate pueri
Laudate, pueri, Dominum Sit nomen Domini
A solis ortu Excelsus super omnes
Sit nomen Domini Suscitans a terra
Ut collocet eum Sit nomen Domini
Gloria Patri, et Filio Sicut erat in principio
Gloria (RV589)
Gloria in excelsis Deo Et in terra pax ominibus Laudamus te
Gratias agimus tibi, Propter magnam gloriam Domine Deus, Rex cœlestis
Domine fili unigenite Domine Deus, Agnus Dei Qui tollis peccata mundi
Qui sedes Quoniam Cum Sancto spiritu
Credo (RV592)

“The music is charming and absolutely uplifting,” says Les Robinson Hadsell, founder and director of Master Singers. “I heard it years ago and loved it. The interplay between the orchestra and the choral parts creates a dancing rhythm that also conveys tremendous strength.”

So obscure is the Credo that the Master Singers undertook an international search from the Netherlands to England and, finally, Poland to obtain a copy of the nearly 300-year-old score. The Master Singers’ hunt for the Credo (RV 592) began after Ms. Hadsell, recalling her delight in the piece, decided to debut it locally. She contacted all her commercial sources of music and, to her surprise, found none with a score nor was the Credo listed with any U.S. or major European publisher. This was intriguing, and led to an extensive internet search for any kind of reference to the Credo. The only posting was by a choir in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which offered practice tapes for singers interested in performing the work. [We] began an e-mail correspondence with the Dutch group to try to obtain the score. In the meantime, a member of the chorus’ soprano section, sought help from a nephew who is an organist in England. He contacted the library of the Royal College of Music, which traced the score to the music archives of Warsaw University in Poland and identified a Polish publisher. From this source, Ms. Hadsell was able to obtain the score.

The difficulty in locating a score suggests that what was intended as a local debut for the Credo may well have been its first performance in the United States.




Rosa Lamoreaux Alexandra Montano


Mela Tenenbaum


Andrew Throup

Bennet/Guittari continuo organ provided by Fanfare Consort.