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Season XXXI:
Concert Schedule
Spring 2012 ... Fall 2011

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2012April 22

Nelson Mass

Missa in angustiis
Kyrie: Gloria .. qui tollis .. quoniam
Credo: et incarnatus .. et resurrexit
Sanctus Benedictus
Agnus Dei: dona nobis

FJ Haydn
Haydn pic

Haydn composed Missa in Angustii (mass for times of distress) for the name day of Princess Marie Esterhazy in 1798 in the midst of the Napoleonic Wars. As ominous as the name sounds, the music transforms from a dark, somber Kyrie to a jubilant Dona nobis pacem celebration for peace following war.

Vesperæ de Dominica, KV321
Dixit (Psalm 109) Confitebor (Psalm 110)
Beatus vir (Psalm 111) Laudate pueri (Psalm 112)
Laudate Dominum (Psalm 116) Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)

WA Mozart
Mozart pic

This is Mozart's first setting of Vespers both written at age 23 in 1779. Each psalm section begins with a musical setting of the psalm followed by a 'gloria patri' written using themes from preceding psalm setting. The final Magnificat commences with a majestic introduction leading to a triumphant finish reintroducing the timpani and trumpets left silent since the opening Dixit.






Leslie Fagan Kate Maroney Oliver Mercer Kevin Deas

Concert Master:

Ragga Petursdottir


Sue Anderson

Fall 2011

November 19 & 20


Part One (Christmas Portion)

GF Handel Handel pic

Recitative for Tenor Comfort ye my people,
Air for Tenor Every valley shall be exalted,
Chorus And the glory of the Lord,
Recitative for Bass Thus saith the Lord,
Air for Bass But who may abide the day,
Chorus And he shall purify,
Recitative for Alto Behold a virgin shall conceive,
Air for Alto & chorus O thou that tellest good tidings,
Recitative for Bass For behold, darkness shall cover,
Air for Bass The people that walked in darkness,
Chorus For unto us a child is born,
Pastoral Symphony
Recitative for Soprano There were shepherds abiding,
Recitative for Soprano And lo! the angel of the Lord,
Recitative for Soprano And the angel said unto them,
Recitative for Soprano And suddenly there was an angel,
Chorus Glory to God,
Air for Soprano Rejoice greatly, O daughter,
Recitative for Alto Then shall the eyes of the blind,
Air for Alto He shall feed his flock like a shepherd,
Chorus His yoke is easy.
Chorus Hallelujah

Dixit Dominus

Psalm 109
I. Allegro dixit Dominus VI. Allegro dominus a dextris tuis
II. Andante donec ponam VII. Largo judicabit in nationibus
III. Allegro virgam virtutis VIII. Largo de torrente
IV. Allegro tecum principium IX. Andante sicut erat in principio
V. Largo juravit Dominus X. Allegro sicut erat in principio
XI. Allegro et in sæcula sæclorum

A Vivaldi
Vivaldi pic




Leslie Fagan Patricia Green


Sue Anderson