Christopher Gorny

Lets see how much you know about chris gorny

1. How old is Chris Gorny?
A. 12
B. 16
C. 18
D. 24
E. 26

2. What type of car is considered a "Gorny Car"?
A. Chevy Citation
B. Rolls Royce
C. Ford Pinto
D. Oldsmobile Cutlass
E. Chevy Blazer

3. What is the approximate age of gorny's most recent "girlfriend"?
A. 18
B. 25
C. 22
D. 32
E. 40

4. What instrument did Chris play in High School Band?
A. Trombone
B. Skin Flute
C. Piccolo
D. violin
E. cello

5. What is Chris' favorite hangout?
A. Ralphies
B. Cell Block
C. Bills Cafe
D. Ash Street Pub
E. Partners

6. What is the average number of girls per calendar year, that chris brings home for the night?
A. 15
B. 30
C. 50+
D. 0
E. 3

7. What prompted a phone call to gorny from the FBI recently?
A. Theft/Vandalism
B. Burning CD's from the library
C. helping steal a car
D. selling stolen property
E. trespassing on government property

8. Where does Chris go during the day when he doesnt have to work?
A. to the library
B. to drive around aimlessly
C. goes shopping
D. goes online somewhere
E. nobody knows, and never will

9. What kind of college degree does gorny posess?
A. Male Gigolo degree
B. Teaching
C. Skinflute major
D. No degrees
E. Both A, B, and C

10. What is gornys favorite drink at a bar?
A. Pop
B. Rum/Coke
C. Vodka/Cranberry
D. Jim Beam
E. Whiskey Sour

What is Gorny's brothers name?


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