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Milwaukee 2000.5

1. What do you see?

I see a reflection of society today. I see alcoholism and greed. I see my friends and family. I see myself. Alcoholism; a curse that has been placed upon us by OURSELVES, an invisible chain that millions of people gladly shackle them selves to. A god of self-inflicted pain and suffering.

Updated 1-8-01 (SHOWS)

2. What do you hear?

I hear the desperate cries of indifferent people that are so confused that they can’t even see straight. Indifference that binds us to confusion. Confusion that tears our hearts full of holes.

3. What do you feel?

I feel anger, frustration, and hate. Anger for having our unmerciful culture shoved down our throats everyday further and further. Frustration due to the absence of change. When are we all going to wake up and realize that we are slowly killing ourselves and each other off? Hate there is a lot to say about hate. I have tried to minimize this word in my vocabulary. Here is the appropriate place for this emotion. I know that I can not point the finger, because I know that I am part of the problem just like everyone else. I can not separate myself from this. It is a part of us all. What can we do?