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My Rating: A Perfect F*cking 10!!

Arguably the best album of all time. Every damn song on this disc is nothing short of incredibe. Lyrically, these songs are so deep that almost a decade after it's release, I still can't get over some of them. The song Midlife Crisis imparticular, may be one of their best songs of all time.

Despite little video and radio airplay in America, I will go far enough to say this album almost caught on. It may be one of the best albums most people never heard. Videos were released for both Midlife Crisis and A Small Victory. Many of the Band Wagon Fans who were expecting Epic like tracks were probably very disapointed, but F*CK EM!! The video for A Small Victory was absolutely incredible, and to my knowledge picked up 0 MTV Video Awards (Not that that means a damn thing anyway!!).

Angeldust may describe this album to a "T". From one song to the next, the mood changes, just like a bad high. One song is funny, one song is depressing, the next song may stick in your mind for a week. If you buy one FNM album in your life, let it be this one.

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