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News and Updates, Pushee Graham, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 , 2006 ......

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News &


news & updates 2002

This page is a non-profit, amateur publication in no way affiliated with the artists here mentioned and no copyright infringement is intended. All material herein is copyrighted by the authors, except for the copyrights, trademarks, and patents of the companies mentioned. *If you see a photo we took without permission, email us and we'll remove it. *If you feel ofended for something here published, if we are doing anything wrong, let us know and we'll do the right thing.

2002: December 25

Graham Pushee
From Naoki : excerpt from a review of Tamerlano CD and new release reissue 2002 (november) "Prophetiae Sibyllarum" (Orlando Di Lasso) CD cover. Updated Discography.

2002: November 12

Graham Pushee will be performing in Cavalli's La Calisto at the Weiner Festwochen (Vienna) in 2003 May 12, 14, 16, 19 .
Biography updated

2002: October 6

Graham Pushee will be singing the role of Oberon in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" for Opera Australia in Sydney in October 2003. This production is directed by Baz Luhrmann (who directed the films "Moulin Rouge", "Strictly Ballroom" and "Romeo and Juliet") and is one of Opera Australia's most popular productions. Graham Pushee has not previously performed this role for Opera Australia. But when he was eighteen, it was his first ever opera role.

Opera Australia production - info ------ Sydney Opera House, Australia - info

(Thanks to Fausto S. for info)

Also updated biography

2002: September 30

Graham Pushee
Auckland concert (September 28)

biography :
"... Sing me more and more and then some ... "
rewiew written by William Dart, New Zealand Herald.
(Thanks to Dennis W. for info)


And this ... from Brian M.K. to Mr. Graham Pushee:
"Dear Graham , I was in the audience at the Auckland Town Hall Concert Chamber and have not stopped since congratulating myself for cancelling another appointment to attend your concert.
Bravo e mille grazie! Brian M.K. (baryton)"

2002: September 28
Graham Pushee biography updated (review of Tamerlano at Komische Opera in Berlin this year, written by Irving Spitz and La Calisto in Berlin , from "Der Tagesspiegel" ).

2002: September 5

Graham Pushee concerts in New Zealand.

There are two concerts both called "Handel Arias". They are with NZSO Chamber Orchestra (the chamber orchestra of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra). One is in Auckland at the Town Hall Concert Chamber on September 28th. The other is in Wellington at the Wellington Opera House on October 1. (Thanks to F.S. for info)

2002: July 24

Graham Pushee

PhotoGallerry (
page 1, page 2, page 3), photos from Handel's "Tamerlano", Halle Handel Festival, 2001 (Graham Pushee, Anna Bonitatibus, Monica Bacelli, Antonio Abete, Elizabeth Norberg Schulz, on stage and rehearsal)
Discigraphy: "Samtliche Kantaten" music by Vincent Lübeck (1986, it also features the New College Choir Oxford and Fiori Musicali)

2002: July 14

Graham Pushee

From Jo B.:
-"I saw La Calisto in Berlin too (unfortunately not 5 times!) and thought Fausto's report was spot-on. I heard people in the audience saying "Fantastisch!".
-Two (
THIS and THIS) cute close-ups of Graham Pushee. (Photo Gallery updated).

From Fausto:
Graham Pushee as
Endimione in La Calisto at Staatsoper UDL , Berlin. The photo is by Marion Schone. (Photo Gallery updated)

On the Tamerlano DVD: " The
DVD was launched at Handel-Haus on Handel's birthday in February. When I was in Halle in June, Trevor Pinnock was at Handel-Haus autographing copies and they sold out. The DVD is really good. It can be subtitled in English, German, Japanese, French and Spanish; you can also have the musical score as the subtitle. The only thing I didn't like was that they didn't show all the curtain calls, including when the individual singers took their bows, and they didn't show all the people upstairs standing on their seats and cheering. So it doesn't show how much of a big reception it really got. The international award Ana and Jordan told you about was from the American DVD Association (2002: June 28, News from Ana and Jordan B.)"

Also updated: Discography (excerpts from reviews of the Tamerlano CD, by Jonathan Keates / International Record Review and Robert Levine / Classics Today) and Biography (excerpt from review of Tamerlano at the 2001 Halle Handel Festival, by David Vickers / Adante Magazine)

2002: July 11

Graham Pushee

Pier Francesco Cavalli's "La Calisto"
29 / 30 June, 3 / 5 / 6 July 2002 ---Staatsoper - Berlin
Report from Berlin

by Fausto: "I have just been to see the five performances of La Calisto at Staatsoper. This production is one of the most popular in Europe. It was previously on in Berlin in 1996 and has toured to several countries, as well being recorded as an award-winning CD. This time there were some cast changes from the previous seasons and the CD, including two of the leading roles, and I thought I might be disappointed. But the whole cast was wonderful. Not just their singing, but also their acting. They worked so well together in what is a magical production. Every night there was a standing ovation from the whole theatre for them and conductors René Jacobs or Attilio Cremonesi, and the orchestra.
Graham Pushee got huge cheers for his performance. He performed the tragic role of Endimione, the shepherd in love with Diana, the goddess of the moon. This is his second most performed role after Giulio Cesare. He sang beautifully and used a lot of colour in his singing, right down to the sweetest, softest notes. As I heard some audience members saying,
he really sang from the heart".

2002: July 10

Graham Pushee

Updated G.Pushee discography : "Tamerlano" DVD

2002: June 28

Graham Pushee

News from Ana and Jordan B. (June 26):
"Tamerlano" DVD from the Handel Festival in Halle in 2001, starring G.Pushee, has just won a prize. We saw in the newspaper that it won the Excellence Award in the US. It beat Disney, Sony Pictures, and Buena Vista Home Entertainment.

2002: June 8

Graham Pushee

Pier Francesco Cavalli's "La Calisto"
29 / 30 June, 3 / 5 / 6 July 2002 -------
Staatsoper - Berlin

Concerto Vocale - Calisto Rosemary Joshua, Giunone Sonia Theodoridou, Giove Oliver Lalouette, Diana Luise Winter, Mercurio Hans Peter Kammerer, Linfea Bernard Loonen, Pane Barry Banks, Silvano Antonio Abete , Endimione Graham Pushee, Satirino / Furie Dominique Visse, Furie Stephen Wallace
Conductor: Rene Jacobs (July 3: Attilio Cremonesi).
Deutsche Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin GERMANY / Tel: 02-200 0491 /
E-mail ----- Booking on-line:

Discography updated : Camilla De Rossi (detta la romana) - Oratorio "San Alessio"
- Pan Classics 510136 ( Switzerland fax +41 (0)21 923 79 07 - tel +41 (0)21 923 79 05 )

2002: May 13

Graham Pushee
Discography updated with Handel "Tamerlano" , recorded live at Sadler's Wells (summer 2001) and released (Avie AV001 -3 CDs-) in april 2002.
Avie UK contact phone:+44 (0) 20 8540 7357,

Also soon available: Handel T"amerlano" (Two DVD Discs, 192 mins), a joint production by the directors of the Handel festival, the Goethe Theatre in Bad Lauchstadt, the theatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris and Sadlers Wells Theatre, London.
Released by Arthaus Musik Kinowelt Home Entertainment, Munchen, Germany
Contact Tel: +49-89-30796-8500, Fax +49-89-30796-8000.

2002: February 19

Jochen Kowalski:

photo gallery updated (thanks to Markus).

March 16, 18, 23, 27, 31: "Midsummer Night's Dream" @ Dresden Semperoper (ticket orders by phone 0351 / 49 11 705, tickets on-line )

News &

This page is a work in progress and a group effort. We're interested in new material. If you ever had news of the above mentioned artists, just e-mail us


This site is a non-profit, amateur publication in no way affiliated with the artists above mentioned and no copyright infringement is intended. All material herein is copyrighted by the authors, except for the copyrights, trademarks, and patents of the companies mentioned.
*If you see a photo we took without permission, email us and we'll remove it.
*If you feel ofended for something here published, if we are doing anything wrong, let us know and we'll do the right thing.

Jeffrey Gall, Claudio Cavina, Emma Matthews, Jennifer McGregor

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