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"The Screen Name Game" by Weird Alan this is like the name game except it uses screen names (none of these are actual screen names I made them all up. If you try to i-m these people and they are real it isn't my fault hehe)
The Screen Name Game!
Shirley4201, Shirley4201, bo Birley4201
bonana fana fo Firley4201
fee fy mo Mirley4201
LinkinParkfan97, LinkinParkfan97, bo BinkinParkfan97
Bonana fana fo FinkinParkfan97
Come on every cyber buddy!
I say now lets play a game
I betcha I can make a rhyme
out of anybody's screen name
The first letter of the screen name
I treat it like it wasn't there
but a B or an F
or an M will appear
And then I say bo
add a B then I say the screen name
and bonana fanna and afo
and then I say the screen name again with an F very plain
and A fee fy and a Mo
and then I say the screen name again with an M this time
and there isn't any screen name that I can't rhyme
Angeleyes01, Angeleyes01, bo Bangeleyes01
Bonana fana fo Fangeleyes01
Fee fy mo Mangeleyes01
But if the first two letters are ever the same
I drop them both and say the screen name
like BoSoxFan, BoSoxFan drop the B Bo-oSoxFan
for FredDurstRules, FredDurstRules, drop the F Fo-reddurst rules
For MariahCareyRules, MariahCareyrules drop the M Mo-riahcareyrules
Now say Bo: "Bo"
Now Tonicx407 with a b: "Bonicx407"
Then bonana fanna fo- "Bonana fanna fo"
then you say the name again with an f very plain
then a fee fy and a mo
then you say the screen name again
with an M this time: "Monicx407"
and there isn't any screen name that you can't rhyme
Everybody do Tonicx407!
Tonicx407, Tonicx407 bo Bonicx407
Bonana fana fo Fonicx407
fee fy mo Monicx407
Pretty good let's do BillytheKid345793!
BillytheKid345793, BillytheKid345793 bo illythekid345793
Bonana fana fo Fillythekid345793
fee fy mo Millythekid345793
Very good let's do Marshmallow Man!
Marshmallow Man Marshmallow Man bo Barshmallow Man
Bonana fana fo Farshmallow Man
Mee my mo Arshmallow Man
Marshmallow Man!
A little trick with NickCartersGirl
NickCartersGirl, NickCartersGirl, bo BickCartersGirl
Bonana fana fo FickCartersGirl
Fee fy Mo, MickCartersGirl
... the screen name game!...