~I'm beautiful like me~

name: Melissa...most people just call me Mel.

what I am: I'll make this a little bit more appropriate, No I am NOT goth, No I am NOT a preppy little bitch (obviously not preppy), and I'm not emo..damn..ok? I'm just me. I don't have a lable and I don't think I need one. If I had to be in some sort of category it would be indecisive, thank ya very much

b-day: Feb 13th

d-day: according to the death clock I'm suppose to die on Monday April 26, 2060

sign: aquarius...reow

state: NC unfortunately

music: classic rock, hard rock, black metal, death metal, punk, industrial metal, etc etc

fav band: Tool, hypocrisy, stabbing westward, pink floyd, apc, nin and vast

fav album: wither blister burn and peel, visual audio sensory theater, Obsulum Obscenum, mer de noms, aenima&undertow

colors: grey, silver, black, crimson and white

place: myrtle beach...dark places as well

movies: dazed&confused, natural born killers, girl interupted, The crow, gone in 60 seconds

movie quote: dazed and confused
Pickford: Do you guys know what that songs about? Its about aliens. We're the aliens, man, we're the savages.

Stoner: Wait man, the songs about that?

Slater: Yeah man, the songs about that.

Stoner: About aliens?

Slater: Yeah man, you didn't know that? This country was founded, founded by people who were into aliens man. George Washington man, he was in a cult. And the cult was into aliens, man. You didn't know that? Oh man, they were way into that type of stuff.

Stoner: George toked weed man.

Slater: Absolutely George toked weed. Are you kidding me, man. He grew fields of that stuff. Thats what I'm talking about, FIELDS.

Stoner: He grew that shit up at Mount Vernon, man.

Slater: Mount Vernon, he grew it all over the country, man. He had people growin it all over the country. You know the whole country back then was getting high. Let me tell you man, cause cause cause he knew he was on to something, man. He knew it would be a good cash crop for the southern states, man. So he grew fields of it, man. But you know what, behind every good man theres a woman and that woman was Martha Washington, man. And everyday George would come home and she'd have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man. She was a hip hip hip lady.

Slater: And she was real cool too, she'd harvest the crops, man, thats what I'm talking about. She put in the the bushels and stuff and sell it you know. Because they had to, you know, make ends meet and stuff. Did you ever look at a dollar bill man? Theres some spooky stuff going on on a dollar bill, man. I mean, and its green too.

I didn't know where else to put my little guy, cute huh?

try to shut me up
put rockstar shut-me-ups on your own page!

I Do Believe I'm Obsessed

I Do BeLieVe I'm ObseSseD

Things I Like



The things I hate