My headaches are back and they're worse than they use to be. Nothing pills, no drugs. Alcohol makes it worse. So I suffer w/ the pain. My doctor said something about tylenol that was rather interesting. When suicidal people pop tylenol pills they end up dying a week later when they change their mind about suicide. Just on a good note, if you want to act like you're commiting suicide for attention *AHEM* don't pop pills like an idiot would do. Anyways, I have a ton of weight on my shoulders. My parents keep asking me what I'm going to do w/ my life. I already know what I'm doing. I'm an artist. I paint, draw, design shit. It's what I'm good at so it's what I'll be doing. My mom keeps telling me what I should do and who's ass I should kiss. She tells me that I should marry some rich guy but fuck that. I don't want anybodys money. How the hell is someone suppose to survive if they can't work for themselves and make their own damn money? I don't see how. But my cousin thought I was suicidal because I was never sociable when I was a kid. Everyone else was all happy and always cared about what people think of them. But whatever. It's amusing to know that someone thinks I'm suicidal. I love being me. Wow i wrote something positive. Well it's true, I've never even thought about suicide. And the ones who really know me can tell you that. But in this life it's impossible to be happy 24-7. If I said everything is perfect then I would be lying. I need a vacation. A long term one. I'm tired of people thinking " oh mel's beautiful, she has everything, shes so perfect, shes a bitch " I'm not fucking perfect, but then again I don't really care. I am what I am. Well enough of that. My eyes hurt and I'm finished w/ this.