I feel lost right now. I don't know anything anymore. I was walking in the woods beside my house today, past the cemetary, towards the big waterfall. That's usually where I go to think, but I haven't been down there in a year. It's peaceful atleast. This piece of wood that I carved my name into is still there. I did that when I was around 10 years old. I miss those days...I had no fucking worries, I was never depressed and I got to play in the mud LOL. But now I don't even want to be here. I want to get away from everything and everyone before I have some kind of nervous breakdown. I guess some can relate, but you don't know what I've been through. Then again maybe you do. I don't really care. I'm all stressed out and my best friend told me that stress is what causes my headaches. And if she's right then I'll never get rid of this damn headaches. Unless I get out of here even. I hate NC. I hate Fayetteville and everything about it. Hopefully, if I don't change my mind again, I'll move to L.A. for college. Either that or NY. I swore to myself that once I get out of here, I'm never comming back. Atleast today wasn't such a bad day. The chick that I fought a few days ago apologized to me. I guess if I would've gotten my ass kicked like that I would've apologized too. Man, that day I let so much anger out on that girl. It made me feel so much better though. I need to buy a punching bag. It'd be my own personal anger management. But anyhow, I'm tired of this boring life, tired of NC, tired of the same people. No offense to my friends but you all get on my damn nerves...juzz kidding :) I'd fucking go mental w/out you people. But seriously, I plan to get out of here by next year, hopefully sooner. Ok I felt like I had to write something. So enough ranting on for now. My head is pounding.