
COPYRIGHT, it's in BIG BOLD letters up there, so you know what this is all about. I didn't think I had to put this back up but people have been taking shit off my website and putting it on their own (graphics and shit) I don't really mind because the one's who have already taken the specific graphic, but for now on anyone who wants to take something off my website can ask me first. It's not that hard (for graphics anyways). My writings on the other hand don't go off this page. If I find out someone took any piece of writing and placed it on their page...and made it their own will suffer.
I'm PARANOID when it comes to my writing. Many people have been coming to this site asking me if they can put music to my poetry and stuff. But that's ok because THEY ASKED ME FIRST. Nobody is to take my poetry, writings, or whatever on my page, unless you ask permission and I say it's ok. It's not so hard to do, just email me and say "I would like to use so and so for this reason" and be specific or my answer will be NO. You'd be pissed if someone stole what was yours right? Exactly...I worked hard on most of this stuff...the layout and everything on it. So please respect what's rightfully mine and I'll respect what's yours.