little cousin watched Titanic for the 50 millionth time today and I unfortunately watch the end where Leodecapicated died. It was amusing really. But I thought "damn, what a terrible way to die". You're skin turns purple and your insides cicles coming out of your nose. Oh what a lovely way to die. Personally I'd rather be warm and comfortable when I die, not a human ice cicle.
Why am I talking about this? I don't know really. Maybe I have nothing else better to do. I never thought about how I wanted to die, not like I have a choice or anything. But I suppose I'll be cremated. I don't like the thought of worms and bugs crawling through my dead body. That's not a lovely thought anyways. I'll be cremated and someone will throw my ashes in the sea so I can swim w/ the little fishies. Yea right. I don't know what I want. I don't really care right now cause I don't plan on dying any time soon. If I had things my way though...who knows what'll happen. Who cares rather...
Anywho, it's kind of sad to watch someone die, especially when it's someone close to you. I don't care for suicidal people. I don't feel sorry for them what so ever. Though my friend shot himself in the head, I felt more angry than I did upset. That shit pissed me off. WHAT'S SO FUCKING SHITTY ABOUT YOUR LIFE THAT YOU HAVE TO JUST GO KILL YOURSELF??? "oh you don't understand" I understand quite clear. Suicide is for pussies. My life might not be full of joys and jolly but hell, I know better than to fuck up like that. That's're only hurting the ones that care about you. So fuck it...