My body is going through hell right now. I fucked up my knee yesterday while playing soccer. Yea yea I know, I'm a dumbass. I'm always hurting myself. My body aches. Last night I got high and me & my best friend were acting stupid of course. I ended up hitting my head twice in a row on the damn car door...while I was trying to get on the car. LOL, no I didn't drive. That just shows how stoned I was though. I could use some weed right now to get rid of all this pain. I'll stop going to the gym for awhile, throw myself on the couch and become a lazy ass pitiful girl. I don't know what I'm typing. I have writers block, but I'm bored so you understand.
I got accepted to another webring! yay for me. That would be number 10 but I deleted a few. So I think I'm on about six or sevens webrings. Whoopty doo...I still think my website looks like shit. Only because I made it. It's not perfect to me yet and if I don't get a scanner soon, it'll never be good. I've been writing more than I have been painting&drawing. I need to get back into art, for school even. But I love to write. loveitloveitloveit. Ahh I need something to do. So that reminds me, I need to go buy some more oil paint. I haven't finished my painting yet either. My art instructor is gonna throw a fucking fit. But who cares, I'll finish it this weekend. (right) I said that last weekend.
I hate's Tuesday today but I'm just saying, Mondays really suck. Something bad always has to happen. Yesterday I fucked up my knee and it hurts so bad. Plus the part where I acted like a dumbass...which isn't anything unexpected hehe. Mondays always go by so slow. I'm losing brain cells here. hah, so next Wednesday is the Godsmack concert. I'm just going so I can see Cold. Most people haven't heard of them until recently but their older shit is awesome. And I want to see Scooter&AaronLewis play Bleed.
Damn I have nothing to complain about. Except for the pain but I already did that. I don't know why the hell I'm typing this other than the fact that I'm bored. If ya don't like it then you can get on your knees and make yourself useful. Juzz kidding...blah. Ok I think I'll tell you about my "friend". One minutes she's preppy, then she thinks she's a freak. Next she's gothic. I just call her a poser. And damn she's so annoying. "Mel, you're so cool I wanna be cool like you" "I'm gonna start buying all your clothes and we can be twins" hah...little girl get it through your head. YOU GET ON MY NERVES. I'm not being mean, once again, I'm being honest.
So I guess there's no point of typing anymore since there's no real reason for this anyways. Just a lack of interest for doing anything else. Maybe I'll go write something else.