I am the angel of death. The time of purification is at hand.

I miss hate, and I miss war I miss killing people, and I miss the point ::sunna::

If I cut myself to see what color my blood is, even though I already know, would you call me a weirdo? If I bit you to see how deep my teeth marks would be would you call me a psycho? If I stalked you every day and night, would you say I was obsessed? If I cut you up in little stars and glued them to my ceiling, would you think I was in love? Would you love me If I were normal?

Hell is the possibility of sanity.

this is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.
.charles manson.

You are about to become the antichrist. The one who was born unholy and becomes the door to eternal suffering in this world
.lost souls.

Tina the Troubled Teen