I hate it when I can't think of anything to write. I'm in that writing mood and I can't fucking think. I can't concentrate and my note book is just sitting beside me, blank. Just another white sheet of blank paper. That's how I feel right now...blank and empty. Last night I saw a movie, Saving Silverman, with my best friend. It was actually not bad, I mean it mad me laugh atleast. After that I just wanted to drink myself away. And that's what I did. The party wasn't that bad either, but it felt like something was missing. I don't know what. Everything was loud and I was dizzy, spinning around like a windmill. Fun...
But anyways, I wish my mind wasn't so empty right now. I'm bored god damnit, I need something to do. I'm listening to stabbing westward...desperate now, I love this song. It's pitiful, but it describes how I feel right now. Christopher Hall's voice is so calming...it could put me to sleep. Sleep sounds good right now. I woke up too early today, and it's Saturday. I had to go pick up my godsmack tickets today (cold, staind, and systematic are playing w/ them). I can't believe there's actually going to be a half decent concert here in Fayetteville...of all places, they're coming here...weird, but good. I'll get to drool over scooter, hah.
So my day has been rather normal and boring which sucks. I should go finish my painting but I have no desire to right now. It looks good like it is but there's a big black spot in the center that needs some color. It's surrounded by flames, how original eh? right. Man, I want to get stoned right now, and just run around in circles until I fall down. When I'm high I always have something to write about, poetry wise. When I'm drunk I can hardly hold a pencil in my hand. That's sad. I don't drink that much though. I don't like hangovers and I'm not impressed w/ drunks. I've been there and done all that "my friends are all drunks" bullshit. It was fun while it lasted. Too bad I lied.