One thing I hate is when people talk to me about things I don't wanna hear about. Today has just been annoying..."today I did this w/ my b/f and we fuck THIS MANY TIMES" & "god I'm so stupid I'll never get a boyfriend" *AHEM* IF YOU'D SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP COMPLAINING MAYBE YOU COULD GET SOMEBODY. Anyways, I don't know you people why do you think I care about your love life? I don't. I don't mean that for everyone though. Just the ones that never shut up. This guy was talking to me today and he kept talking about this chick he's going to meet and all the things he's going to do to her. Well lucky her and I don't give a flying fuck. Of course he's trying to rub it in my face but damn, what's the point? I would've told him to shut the hell up but I don't want to be rude. Though I think it's rather rude for him to be annoying the hell out of me like that. There's only a few select people that I actually enjoy talking to. And I don't have to leave names because they already know who they are.
Don't you hate it when people ask you the same questions over and over and don't even realize it? That pisses me off so much. No matter how many times you answer they still don't get it. Geezus GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. Anyways, I'm just bitching, isn't it obvious. I need to bitch some times. So I am. Hmm...most little teenage kids seem ignorant these days. What the hell happened man? It's all about what's cool and what's not. Personally I don't give a rats ass about their opinions but I don't want to hear about it either. Every day it's always "this sucks and that sucks and you suck because you hate this and like that". Their conversations bore me. I hate boring conversations...hate it hate it hate it. I bet you would agree w/ me too right? And if you say you don't feel like talking they get all pissed and start talking shit...though it's some times amusing, but a waste of time. And their insults are terrible. "I'd like to fuck your dead daddy". Some kid said that to my friend a few days ago. Alittle respect please? ignorant fuck. Welllll I think you get the point now.