I actually finished my painting for art class and I turned it in to my instructor. He said that I took too long to finish it but he wants to put it in his gallery. I don't know what to say about that but GO FOR IT! I just can't believe I actually finished it in time. But anyways the painting is on 8x10 canvas and I used oil paints. The backgroud is black, the border is supposedly fire and in the center is a hand with an eye centered in the palm. I don't know why I decided to paint something like that but if it's good enough for my instructor then I know I did a good job. I don't know what I'll do with it. Maybe hang it up on my wall and let it get dusty, I don't know. I'm not sure it would sell but I don't really want to give it away.
I really need to find a college to go to. I can't decide and it's practically driving me crazy. At first I figured, I would go to Art Institute of Chicago but then, I hate cold weather and I'm not familiar with the area. Then my friend said I should go to Art Institute of L.A. with her. But that's too far away from home and even though I hear Cali is good in the art scene, there's got to be too much competition. There's competition everywhere though. I'm not even sure which field in the art area I want to be in. I thought about graphic designing or illistrator or some sort. But hell, I don't know. I'll end up in NY probably. It's not too far from NC and it's not so close either. So it's perfect in distance.
Next time I get paid I'll look for a scanner or digital cam. so I can put my art on this website. I might. I don't like the thought of people on the net trying to steal my art work or taking it with out permission. Some art that I put on this site isn't mine but I had the decency to ask the artist first if I can use it. And btw thanx San! appreciate it. Copyright hardly does any good on the net though. But I have respect for artists and their work. Now that I said that musicians are going to call me a hypocrite for using napster. LOL, but hey, I am a musician too. Some people are rather paranoid I guess. But I understand why.