I'm really sick of this so called winter weather. It's giving me a headache. It's so cold and depressing outside. I need warmth. I'm sick of all this frost and ice...I hate snow, I hate winter. It sucks. It's too cold to do anything, so I just sit here waiting for the day to go by. It's so boring, and writer's block doesn't help at all. There's got to be something to do. My friend told me to read a book. A stupid book? hah, what do I look like...Einstein's daughter? I don't think so. I would draw something but I'm not in the mood for that either. So I write and write and drown in my boredom. I have no energy right now. I could over dose on some energy pills but I'm not in the mood. lol...damn what's wrong with me. I think I'll take the phone off the hook atleast. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. The ringing gives me a headache. I'm keeping to myself for now. I'm suppose to go somewhere with my best friend later but I don't even want to leave my house because I'm so damn tired. First I bitch about not having anything to do...now I'm bitching about not wanting to do anything. I must be going insane. This whole week has been one big headache for me. Besides Wednesday, that was the Godsmack concert. And it was so fucking awesome...all because Cold was there. I've never seen so many mosh pits in my life. Some chick broke her neck from crowd surfing...it wasn't pleasant. Ahh my eyes are starting to hurt. I'm just so ready for winter to be over with. Why must there be winter...what the hell is it good for? When I look outside all I see is death. Dead trees, plants...no life. No sun, dark skies...maybe it's just me. Who cares. I should call my friend and cancel our little "get the hell out of the house" thing. I'm weak.