's been awhile since I put a new rant up. It's about damn time huh? Yea, I think so. I got a letter in the mail the other day. I've been waiting for this for two months and it finally came. I took this art test, two of them, and my scores finally came back to me. It said that if I score between an 80 and 98 then I have "successfully completed the fundamentals of art" and I'm ready to be contacted by this person for a list of schools & jobs. On the first test I scored an 85 and on the second was I scored a 95. I'm so proud of myself. So now all I have to do is wait....AGAIN for a stupid phone call from a so called "representative". This could be my break. I'll finally be able to do what I love doing and get paid for it. I'll finally get out of here!!! :jumps up and down: well...I might even get out of here sooner than I expected. If all goes well in the "relationship department" then I won't have a reason to stay here anymore...besides friends and family but that's what phones are for. I don't know what's going to happen with that but hopefully it'll all work out. I can only imagine what will go on though :ahem: :) Anyway, winter is over thank god. It was hot as hell today. I hate winter..hateithateithateit. It should never even happen, but atleast it's over. Now I can run around half naked and when I get hot I'll just run through the sprinkler haha. I can start going to Myrtle beach again...fuckin a.
Well my dad is out of the hospital now and he's doing a lot better. My grandma hides the pain killers from him now and she's keeping an eye on him. That's a good thing...he brought it on himself though. I don't hate him...he's my father for christ sakes. I just don't ever ever ever want to see him in the hospital like that EVER again. I'm done now I think...I'm tired of typing