NOTE: MTV have decided to be clever, so clicking on any of the *MTV* links will take you straight to the mtv site. to get around this:

The realvideo files are gone for the moment.  Maybe they're re-appear soon.
You'll need a quicktime viewer to see these clips, so if you don't have them, go here.

Full-length streaming radiohead videos can be found at  

Note:  The Radiohead video, Seven Television Commercials is now available to buy on video.  It features the 7 classic Radiohead promo videos:  Paranoid Android, Street Spirit, High & Dry (US version), No Surprises, Just, Fake Plastic Trees and Karma Police.  You can buy this online from CDNOW.

creep Creep: quicktime: ATN  MTV
Director: Brett Tumbull

A bog standard live performance.  It's too boring. Everything is covered with a translucent glow. Laugh at Ed's haircut. This was before radiohead had any money to make interesting videos.  So there you go.

el president El President: quicktime: MTV

Drugstore duet with Thom Yorke released as a single which also had a video to accompany the release.  The original idea for the video was for Isobelle Monteiro (Drugstore singer) and Thom to appear naked in the video bound in thick ropes.  The idea was obviously ludicrous, but the band spread the rumour around that it was true.   Which, of course, it isn't.  This MTV clip is awfully biased towards radiohead; it's completely thom.  You can see Isobelle's back...

fake plastic trees Fake Plastic Trees: quicktime: ATN MTV
Location: An aircraft hangar, Los Angeles
Director: Jake Scott

What happens: Thom sits in a shopping trolley being pushed around a supermarket where goods are stacked according to their colour.

Various bizarre images pass by - old men with pistols, babies being carried around and shop
assistants using pricing machines as tools of violence. Finally, as Thom reaches the end of the
song he finds the exit and leaves.

The idea: "The film is actually an allegory for death and reincarnation but if you can read that
into it you must be as weird as the people who made it." - Jake Scott

The inside story: "When Thom reachers the exit he looks back and sees a little boy. That boy
is meant to represent Thom's reincarnation after death of leaving the supermarket."

Was it easy to get Thom to sit in the shopping trolley? "Yeah, he'll try anything. He actually
said he was fascinated by watching himself in close-up because he'd never really observed
his strange eye in such detail.

The director on Radiohead: "They're bright guys so the don't need all the ideas explaining to
them. They're a very open-minded kind of group."

high and dry uk High & Dry (UK version): quicktime: ATN
Location: Vasquez Rocks, California
Director: David Mould

What happens: Radiohead play out in the desert in front of a water tanker. The picture resembles a radar screen on an aircraft. As the song plays it starts to rain heavily.

The idea: "We wanted to put the band somewhere a bit alien. It's a very sensitive song so we
tried to create something a bit hard that would contrast with the mood of the music. The
targets were intended to make it look like it was beamed down from space to mssion
control." - David Mould.

The inside story: "We went to Los Angeles because we were hoping for really beautiful
sunshine but when we got there they were in the middle of the biggest storms for 40 years
and ended up not being able to film for three days. Nobody had warned us."

The unnecessary humiliation: "When we turned on the rain machine we didn't realise you
could warm up the water beforehand so the whole band ended up being doused in ice cold
water and getting flu. Colin was shaking so much I thought he was going to keel over."

The director on Radiohead: "They were really cool and just got on with it, despite us
covering them in freezing cold water for three hours."

high and dry us High and Dry (US version): quicktime: MTV
Director: Paul Cunningham

A Pulp Fiction-esque video. Thom and Co enter a diner called 'Dicks', and order food there. Jonny has a portable tv. People are singing high and dry (but not radiohead). thom goes to wash his face in the washroom.

He smiles at a boy. Meanwhile, strange things are happening at the diner. A guy with his girlfriend
puts a key in mayonaise and it is taken away to the dishwasher, who finds the key... There's another
man, clutching a briefcase.  he looks worried about something. he leaves the toilet, and runs outside
to make a phonecall.  The guy and his girlfriend take a brown paper bag from the dishwasher.  They
promptly leave the bar and drive off in their car. The girl opens the package, and it's a bomb.  Scream. 
Mr Paranoid with the briefcase gets assassinated (i think). Inside, a guy sits smug and satisfied and
sings the last lines of High & Dry. No, I don't understand what's going on either.

just Just: quicktime: MTV
Location: Near Liverpool Street Station, London
Director: Jamie Thraves

What happens: A man inexplicably lies down in the street. A crown gathers to try to help him up but when he refuses they demand to know what's wrong with him.

Meanwhile Radiohead play 'Just' in a nearby flat. Eventually the man reluctantly agrees
to tell them why he's lying down. The subtitles cut out so we only see him mouthing the
words. When they hear his reason they all lie down as well.

The idea: "I'd already written a story along the lines of the video and when I was sent the
track it seemed to fit perfectly with what I had already dreamed up." - Jamie Thraves.

The inside story: "We weren't originally going to have the band in the video very much but
when we filmed them in the bedroom Thom's performance of the song was so wonderful to
watch we had to include it."

What does that bloke say at the end? " I can't tell you. To actually tell you the reason he's
lying down would deaden the impact. And it'd make you lie down in the street as well.

The director on Radiohead: "They're very sweet people. Very gentle."

karma police Karma Police: quicktime: MTV
Director:  Jonathan Glazer

A near-comatose Thom rides in the back seat of a car chasing a man down a country lane.  Turning to face his pursuers, the victim causes their car to reverse and, spotting a trail of petrol leading to the vehicle, sets fire to it.  The car fails to outrun the flames and is engulfed.  Thom has disappeared.

Jonathan Glazer: "The idea came about from a silly nightmare really. The song's all
about retribution, so I wanted to do something that was a metaphor, the pursuer becoming
the pursued, in a cicular, Kubrick-like linear shot. I wanted Thom to be seen as the storyteller
rather than the subject.  He keeps his eyes shut which gives the video a dream quality as
if everything was just happening around him, while the viewer is actually behind the wheel,
driving the car from their point of view.  I think it worked because what Thom writes is what
I would write if I could, and what I shoot is what he would shoot if he could.  The idea is
connected with him.

my iron lung My Iron Lung: quicktime: MTV

Recorded live at the Astoria, 1994.

no surprises No Surprises: quicktime: MTV
Director: Grant Gee

Thom lip-synchs with his head in a fishbowl that's slowly filling up with water.  As the back-to-front lyrics scroll up the screen, the water fills the bowl and Thom holds his breath until you think he's about to asphyxiate.  The water drains away and, having first gasped grotesquely, Thom finishes the song grinning.

Grant Gee: "The inspiration came from two things.  Firstly, Blue Peter, circa 1974:
Singleton, Noakes and Purves biting their nails to the quick as they watched some
minor escapologist in a Houdini scenario, locked, chained, strait-jacketed, and hung
upside down in a tank of water.  Secondly, a freeze from 2001: A Space Odyssey.  
HAL starts getting pissy with Bowman and wont open the doors to let him back on the
ship... a huge close-up of his face as panic starts to wash over it.  It's the perfect image
of anxiety and helplessness in the face of technology."

paranoid android Paranoid Android: quicktime: MTV
Director: Magnus Carlsson

A Robin cartoon, Robin being an underground cartoon thing.  Unlike 'Just', this doesn't come with subtitles, leaving the viewer very confused.  Don't know what the video is about?  No one else seems to know either.  Some things that happen:

Robin goes to a bar and meets people who make fun of him (note the band sitting around
a table, ed's big ears!); he plays ping pong with an angel, and the like.  There's a fat naked
bloke who chops off his arms and legs before falling into a river.  Strange.  Useless trivia: It's
interesting to note that this Robin video is actually longer than the normal Robin cartoons you'll

see on TV, (6 minutes 22 seconds, as opposed to a cartoon which barely reaches 3 minutes).

rabbit in your headlights Rabbit In Your Headlights full video 6.5 megs, requires Quicktime 3 (link from Lucky)
Director: Jonathan Glazer

Without a doubt, Jonathan Glazer's best video to date.  Set in a car tunnel in Stockholm, an absolutely insane person in duffle coat walks in the middle of the road in the tunnel.  Cars behind and in front of him honk and screech their ways around around him.  Some cars even knock the poor bloke over. 

People offer to give him a lift, but the man continues to gibber to himself.  At the end of
the video, he stands in front of the next car, and arms in a crucifix position, allows it to
crash into him.  The car does, and explodes, with the man still standing.  Banned by MTV.  
Why am i not surprised? 

Jonathan Glazer: "The idea is obviously controversial, which was why we agreed to make
certain compromises for MTV.  Firstly, they said they'd show it if we pixilated the collisions
and, because so many people had worked on it and we really wanted it to be seen, we agreed. 
Then we had to remove the sound of the impacts.  And they still refused to show it because the
actor playing the madman was too unnerving and subversive.  They won't show the video
because the actor is too good!  What they're saying is anyone on the edge of society shouldn't
be seen on television... MTV's definition of 'The Real World' is four models living together in a
luxury flat.  They seem perfectly happy to show videos featuring models who look like they're
on heroin, but the UNKLE video isn't fashion pain or panto punk.  Maybe I should have stuck
the actor in a Stussy parka."

stop whispering Stop Whispering: quicktime: MTV
Director:  Jeff Plansker

The US version because there was no British version.  Strangely enough, stop whispering wasn't released as a single in the UK.  This video features the band playing on a roof(?), and thom's hair is... well see for yourself.  There's a picture on the left...

street spirit Street Spirit: quicktime: ATN MTV
Location: A stretch of desert just outside Los Angeles
Director: Jonathan Glazer

What happens: Thoms stands singing with his eyes closed while random images flash past, some of them in slow motion. Barking dogs, small boys, locusts, paint and smashed glass all feature heavily. Meanwhile the rest of the band fall off chairs and jump around, also in slow motion.

The idea: "We wanted to make something really elegant and beautiful. I wanted something
that would create space in the viewer's imagination to complement the steam of
consciousness of the song." - Thom.

The inside story: "Thom wanted it to be like a dream and liked the idea of nobody really
getting anywhere." - Jonathan Glazer.

The mad stunt: Thom jumps backwards off the trailer and appears to land an inch above the
ground. "He had three or four Jack Daniels beforehand but it was still pretty brave of him to
do it himself. We had a mattress which he fell onto and that had to be edited out of the final
version by computer." -Jonathan Glazer

The director on Radiohead: "They have a very clear idea of who they are and what they
want. They're always aiming to make a statement."

thom and jonny

Thom and Jonny at a photo shoot: quicktime from

various (mtv links):  anyonecanplayguitarlive  thebendslive  creeplive  highanddrylive   streetspiritlive

(Note: All infomation on the bends promo videos (except H&D US) are taken from a Jan/Feb 1996 issue of RAW).
(also: Infomation on NS/KP taken from Select June 1998.  RIYH quote from Select, December 1998)

(The quicktime movies are a bunch of links to clips that come from MTV and Addicted to Noise, so if they don't work, it's not my fault)

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