Link to MIDI - Psalm 137
"Psalm 137 (By the Waters of Babylon"
In this land of our captivity
By the rivers of despair
Hearth and home are just a memory
With our harps suspended in midair
How can we sing the hopeful song
That our enemy demands
When our souls are forced to dwell so long
Far away from our native lands
In my flesh I might bless those who dash
The heads of their children against the stone
In my anger, Lord help me remember
That vengeance is Yours, and Yours alone
Help me remember..
(By the waters of Babylon)
(By the waters of Babylon)
If I forget Jerusalem,
If she does not make my heart sing
May my hand never write again
And my tongue become a useless thing
Should I fail to remember her,
If her peace is not my goal,
Then let me wither and perish here
In the anguish of my soul
(Repeat Chorus)
They echo now, the voices that called
"Crush Jerusalem to the ground"
Edom's children applauded the fall
As the holy stones came tumbling down
But Babylon's proud daughter
Soon will find herself repaid
And she will mourn beside these waters
In the wreckage that she has made
(Repeat chorus)
© 2003 Steve Christy