Ohhhh booooooooy. Ok, I want to sincerely apologize for not being here for...well...three months. I've had a LOT of stuff going on, and have had absolutely no time to write, but I'm going to start it again today, so expect an update very soon. I'll be working on "Famous In Her Heart", and I'm also considering a new story that I have a very good idea for, but we'll see how "FIHH" goes first. Once again I'm very sorry for no updates, but I'm coming back now, and there will be many more chapters on the way!
There is now an UPDATE page, so go there to see the latest stuff. Jet here...sorry for switching the page address but I had to for some different reasons...but we won't get into that. I have three stories up now...one is finished...one I'm leaving as is for now...and one I'm working on as you are reading this, so I would really like feedback on it so I know what you think! But, for some reason I'm not sure you all know what feedback is, so here is my definition:
1. An email to the author of the story with ideas, compliments, criticism, or anything else related to the story, good or bad.
2. Signing the guestbook.
3. Sending me an im online or on yahoo! (look to bottom of page)
4. Leaving me a voicemail message telling me what you think. (also look to bottom of the page)
So there you have it...4...count 'em 4 ways to send feedback, and they can all be done in less than 5 minutos! So I'll be checkin' all those options every day...and if I get nothing...no story for you!
Now that we have cleaned up the mean stuff, please vote for me or nominate in the following categories, I'd really appreciate it! Thankya!
*New* Famous In Her Heart *New*
*Complete* Burning Desire *Complete*
Voicemail #: 1 877 622 4500 ext 409...toll free!
AOL IM SN: SpaceCowgirlJet