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Alik Olisevich

Alik has been writing us for over twelve years from Lvov, the capital of the western Ukraine. He is a hippie activist who was instrumental in leading many demonstrations against the occupation of the old Soviet Union. He has passed our magazine around to other people in that part of the world. This has resulted in us receiving magazines about Woodstock from Estonia, a rock 'n roll magazine from St. Petersburg called "Light," cartoons from Phil Archivarius, and letters from a woman named Helena. She tells us that she is on the run from drug dealers in Moscow who are involved in strange cults.

Recently Alik sent some newspaper clippings about life in the former Soviet Union. The articles tell about the Russian Mafia infiltrating businesses and the underground economy. The K.G.B. has gotten into the banking industry. Almost every major Russian bank has K.G.B. agents involved. There was a clipping from Moscow about an Iron Maiden concert that got rave reviews. The clippings were interpreted by our Coffeehouse translator, Anton, who is soon returning to Kiev with an armful ofSquawkMagazines.

In his most recent letter Alik writes, "I have received your letter and photos from California. You seem to have fun traveling. My friend in Austria wants to send you his poetry for your magazine. I am meeting him at the Rainbow Gathering with 1,000 other people in the Carpathian Mountains. Many of my friends live in the forest by a lake there. It is bad weather but I think we will be all right. I look forward to hearing from you soon." -- Alik and friends

Ukrainian Photos

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