Since the dawn of Eminem's fame,
us normal people have pondered the question...
Eminem fans know how to think?
Disclaimer-Yes, I know that's a generalization. No need to point that out. Believe it or not, not all Eminem fans are mindless twits. There are some people who can appreciate his music without becoming fundamentalist fans, and I totally respect that. What I don't respect is kids giving me a hard time just for having my opinions! So if you're a fan of Eminem and you understand that my opinions aren't going to be changed and you don't feel compelled to harass me because you disagree with me, enjoy. You are probably mature enough to know I'm not talking about you, and you know not to get offended. If you're a fan who thinks my opinions of Eminem are totally wrong and you want to beat me, yet you tolerate me because you like the rest of my site, that's cool too. If you're preparing to send me hatemail/you already have sent me hatemail, maybe you should leave. Everyone else, just enjoy.
I hate Eminem, in case you haven't figured it out already. His lyrics are meaningless blah to me, and his music is simple and boring. What's so impressive about that? Sure, he has some admirable aspects about him, but so did Hitler. (I'll be getting hatemail for that, I'm sure!) Actually, when you think about it, Eminem and Hitler have some things in common. Hitler came to power when Hindenburg made him Chancellor. When Hindenburg died, Hitler took over and started a freakin' war with his crackhead ideas. It may seem like a far out analogy, but hear me out. Eminem is like Hitler with his crackhead ideas, Dr. Dre is like Hindenburg since he is responsible for Eminem's fame, Eminem's fans are like Nazis because they follow Eminem's crackhead ideas mindlessly, and I'm like a jew, because I take crap from Eminem fans just because I don't buy into his BS.
(Extended disclaimer-That's only an analogy. I'm not really jewish.)
My point? His fans sound like minature clones of him, and it's so bad I think of them as hip-hop's Mansonites. Have you ever spoken to a true Mansonite? They're idiots! All their ideas come straight from Manson's lyrics, and they agree with everything Manson says. They even try to look like him. And even worse, rather than pulling off an elegant gothic look, they look horribly tacky. (This is turning into more of a rant on Mansonites than Slim Shadies, so I'll just get to the point.) Slim Shadies are like this too. From the hatemail I've recieved, they follow this similar pattern. Their ideas come straight from Eminem's lyrics, and they agree with everything he says, no matter how half-baked it may be. There are also exceptions in both cases. There are people who like Eminem without being Slim Shadies, and I'm a living example of a non-Mansonite who still likes Manson's music.
I don't know if I've gotten my point across, but if not, just look at some of the hatemail I get. The fact that they actually send hatemail should be evidence enough that not much is going on up there. Then the BS that they try and feed me is so ludicrous it makes me want to laugh. Often times, I do laugh. That's why this site can be pegged as a humor site, because their ignorance is funny. If you happen to be a really ticked-off fan who is enraged about the Nazi-Mansonite analogies, feel free to contribute to this site and vent your anger!