Why I hate boy bands

They can't sing

Sorry, but it's true. All of those boy bands sound like crap. They all sing through their noses. Since when is nasal singing popular? I don't know, but nasal seems to be the most popular fad right now.

They're nasty-looking

No, I don't think Justin is hot and sexy, and I'm glad that I'm not going to marry him, and I don't think that Britney is a slut just because she's going with him. (You know they are going out. C'mon, admit it!!!) I actually think that he's pretty ugly. I don't know why he's a sex symbol, but I suspect that it involves psychic powers that Justin himself controls. Mabye there is a hidden message in their songs. Something like "you are in love with Justin. You think he is so hot and sexy and you think that you are going to marry him one day. His hair is not ugly. He is not scrawny and gross. He does not have a face that not even his own mother could love. His voice is not nasal." Well teenies, if you are under control, then I can forgive you for being stupid.

All of their songs are the same

I don't mean that their songs sound the same, but they're all about the same thing: love and relationships. BORING!!! Some of us don't like music that is mindless. And that's what this kind of music is, mindless. And what if you've never been in a relationship before? Most of their fans are about 10 years old and have never gone out with anyone. HOW ON EARTH ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO RELATE TO THIS GARBAGE??? I don't mind songs about love, but when that's all that they're doing, then it gets real old real fast.

Also, my friend who listened to 'N Sync's new album told me that all the songs except "Bye Bye Bye" are about sex. There's even a song about cyber sex on there! Guys, it's been done already. I think they're trying to copy good bands in order to gain the respect of people like me. HA! Yeah right, like that'll work. If I wanna hear some sex songs, I'll listen to a.d.i.d.a.s. or something by FDA. I will never listen to the Bloodhound Gang though, because they SUCK. Wait, I'm supposed to be talking about boy bands, not the Bloodhound Gang. Okay, sex/love songs suck.

They're rip-offs

Now everyone, gather round. *N Bred did not copy BSB. Okay? And here's something else for you to consider: BSB did not copy *N S___ either. Is that too much information? And here's the big one: They both copied NKOTB. You know, that early '90's boy band? They're the source of all this madness. So stop saying one copied the other. They're both rip-offs!

Michael Jackson x5

That's my mom's description of a boy band she heard in a groccery store. The funniest part about that is that it's true! Most boy bands sound just like Michael Jackson. If you like a boy band AND Michael Jackson, I guess I respect you more than these stupid teenybopper brats. If you are just a boy band girl, you're a teenybopper. Get a life!

My wrists hurt now, so I'm going to stop. I can't possibly name all the reasons boy bands suck, or I'll be here all day. If you want some more reasons why boy bands suck, check out each boy band's individual page.

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