Gabe !!
All About Gabe...
- Full Name: Gabriel Corbitt Combs
- Birthday: December 11, 1979
- Birthplace: Salem, OR
- Eye color: Brown
- Height: 5'11
- Weight: 170
- Hobbies: Playing guitar and piano, Hanging out, Shopping for weird fashions, Movies, Listening to music, Writing
- Fave Color: Black
- Fave Food: All Foods
- Fave Sport: Basketball, Football, Soccer
- Fave Team: Don't really have one
- Fave Movie: Dumb & Dumber
- Fave Actor: Jim Carey
- Fave Actress: Drew Barrymore
- Fave Type of Music: I like all kinds of music
- Fave Music Artist: dc Talk, LaRue, Take 6
- Fave Hangout: Beach, Santa Monica, Malls
- Fave Restaurant: The Cooker, The Pancake Pantry
- Fave Fast Food: Taco Bell, McDonalds
- Fave Animal: Dogs
- Fave Cartoon: Bugs Bunny
- Fave Cookie: White Chocolate
- Fave Donut: Maple Bar
Well, I hope you enjoyed getting to know Gabe......If he is your fave Plus One band member, then be sure and vote for him on the Plus One Poll......:0)
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