All About Nate...
- Full Name: Nathan David Forrest Cole
- Birthday: May 19, 1981
- Birthplace: Houston, TX
- Eye color: Blue
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 150
- Hobbies: Basketball, Shopping, Movies, Golf, Anything Musical, Playstation, Talk on the phone, Swimming
- Fave Color: Blue
- Fave Food: Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo
- Fave Sport: Basketball
- Fave Team: Sacramento Kings
- Fave Movie: Dumb & Dumber
- Fave Actor: Will Smith
- Fave Actress: Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts
- Fave Type of Music: Pop, R&B, Gospel, Alternative & Rock, Hip Hop
- Fave Music Artist: Changes too much
- Fave Tv Show: TRL on MTV
- Fave Restaurant: Chili's
- Fave Fast Food: Taco Bell, McDonalds
- Fave Hangout: 3rd Street Promenade - Santa Monica
- Fave Cartoon: Duck Tales
- Fave Animal: Dogs, Monkeys
- Fave Donut: Maple Bar
- Fave Cookie: Peanut Butter
Well, I sure hope you enjoyed getting to know Nate a little more!! If he is your favorite Plus One member, then be sure and vote for him!! Also, check out the other band members pages.....:0)
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