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Welcome to TaxiRock

Taxiride are (from left to right) Tim Wild, Tim Watson, Dan Hall (no longer present band member) and Jason Singh!

Hi and welcome to the most coolest Taxiride Website TaxiRock!


*~Some Quick News~* Taxiride's new single Nothing In This World has been released in Australia, Check out their cool new film clip and buy the single which comes with a bonus B Side Helena My Dear and remixes of Nothing In This World and an acoustic version of Can you feel!

In a 72 Hour Daze

This site is created and devoted to Australia's Hottest new band, TAXIRIDE. Taxiride are the cool band that brought you such tunes as "Get Set" (which was used for the theme song of movie "Election"), "Everywhere You Go" (which was also used for one of the frequently used songs Aussie Soap Home And Away, and the Saturday Footy Show as well as the para-olimpics) and their third single "Can You Feel" which didn't have much success as "Everywhere You Go" or "Get Set" did. But watch out for their brand new single "NOTHING IN THIS WORLD" which is set to take over charts at any moment now!

Tell Me More...

Taxiride started around five years ago. The guys (Jason Singh, Tim Watson, Dan Hall and Tim Wild) were in all separate bands around the Melbourne area before they met. Tim Watson & Tim Wild met by arrangement of their producers, and so decided to create a band of their own. Then one day the two Tim's (who at that time were recording songs of their own) stumbled across Jason who at that time was, like the others in another band. They soon persuaded Jase to come down and audition him for the soon-to-be-band they would have! Jason accepted the invitation for the audition, The two Tim's made Jason audition with the song "Give Me One Reason" by Tracey Chapman in 7 keys and of course he did that with no trouble. With much thought if they should accept Jason in their band, the two Tim's decided to accept Jase!!! *yippee* Just as Jase Watto & Tim Wild thought that their new band was complete, Tim Wild can across a young busker at their local Markets, this was none-other than Dan Hall." He was trying to look cool as he did covers of Jeff Buckley songs, it was weird, but he was good! I asked him to come back to the studio and show the rest of us what he could do, he was most concerned about the fact that I didn't put any money in his case more than anything" says Tim Wild." He came up to me, and he looked like some rock-star that I couldn't recognise, he had the works cool clothes, shades, everything! " Recalls Dan. "When he came to the studio he totally blew as all away with this song (Counting Down The Days) and brought with him all this bourbon, beer and stuff so we just had to let him in the band" exclaims Jase at the Movie world concert just before Dan preformed Counting Down The Days.

The Name Thing!

 Most of you will probably think why the hell would ya call a band Taxiride??? Well there is a story to it just like everything else of this world! Tim Wild has a friend who at the time used to play their early demo tapes in his cab to his passengers and got their opinions. "He used to come back to us and say, 'oh I had Michael Jackson's Bass player in my cab and he liked your music" recalled Tim Wild, "But he didn't tell us the really bad stuff though". They first decided to call them selves Taxi then later changed to Taxiride since they would have allot of trouble and time spent on buying their name.

Riding the Rocket Ship to new heights!

Taxiride won an award for best new single at the 1999 Aria Awards!!! Their singles Everywhere You Go and Get Set were one of the most frequently played songs on Australian Radio in 1999 (as officialised by the AUSTERO Network)! And when they released their album "Imaginate"  on the 15th October of 1999 it went PLATINUM and is still in the top 100 charts nearly a year later! 

Congrats guys!!!!!

~*Quote of the Month*~

"Taxiride started off from where The Little River Band left off" ~~ A quote from Glenn Shorrock (Former Lead Singer of The Little River Band and a highly respected Australian Musician) 


Thanks so much for visiting, hope you Come again soon! 

But before you go please sign my GuestBook and pretty please Vote for my site, which is currently in the Top 10 Taxiride Websites in the World on the AMC Charts!

ICQ ME# 44773164

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~What's New~

~Gossip~  **

~Tour Dates~ **


~Dan Hall~ **

~Tim Watson~ **

~Tim Wild~ **

~Jason Singh~ **



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~Video Clips~ **


~Sounds~ **

~Music Clips~ **


~Fan Site Links~

~The Official Taxiride Website~

~American Official Taxiride Website~ **


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~Taxiride Clubs to join~ **

~Fan's Experiences~ **


~About Me~ **

~A Special "Thanks" to...~  **


Please note all the sections with the ** next to them means that the links are not yet activated and the pages are not yet complete. At the moment I am currently doing Exams and Shit for school so I have been quite busy but keep on coming back to TaxiRock as this site will be fully up and running in to time what-so-ever.



Jen aka Recurring Dreamer


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Copy Write (c) Recurring Dreamer - TaxiRock