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Hot Shot Mama

by James Coffman and Brad Smith

This is a story by Bradley and Jamey. One of them would make up a far-fetched sentence and then let the other do the same. They completed a story by trading it back and forth. What you see is the finished product and each new sentence will either be signified with a "B" for Brad's sentence or a "J" for Jamey's. Enjoy! This story was purposely vague and off the wall. For full understanding, this story should be read by two people in the wee hours in the morning after consuming Mountain Dew and helium.

J: These boots, these boots were made for walkin'. When it rains it snows, and then the DinoRiders had to keep peace to the city.

B: But George Washington wouldn't have any of it so he chopped down a tree and said that he didn't. And then he got Abraham Lincoln to marry his own wife and they had kids and the DinoRiders exploded. They ate them.

J: And that's why Nicole Kidman and the Prime Minister of British Columbia flew to America on a yellow blanket.

B: And they had an oil lamp they thought had a genie in it. They were just waiting for the right time to rub it but it was just a regular lamp and so only trouble was waiting to happen with those two...

J: And plus, the Prime Minister's name was Lumpy and Nicole Kidman, her dad's name was Lumpy and he used to abuse her and wouldn't give her any Christmas presents so it wasn't going to work out.

B: But Nicole Kidman's nickname was "Pee." And the Prime Minister peed a lot so he thought it was an emotional attachment but it wasn't for the right reason. Cause he peed a lot and her nickname was "Pee" so what he did, he wrote a book called "My Travels in Paris." It was about how he peed in Paris once and went to do some stuff. It wasn't really very interesting and it did poorly, but the New York Times said it was well-written and got published.

J: But Nicole Kidman just wanted the Prime Minister for his body so he sued her and he made enough money to cover all the money he had lost making the book. And there was this one kid who read the book, he liked it, and bought one too..

B: And that kid grew up to be John Conner and he saved humankind. He said his biggest influence was that book, so it became the new Bible.

J: And everybody read it except for the Terminators cause they didn't know how to read. So they made picture books for the Terminators and that's how libraries were invented.

B: So then John Conner started a school for the Terminators to teach them how to read. A lot of them were saying "I don't have to read cause it's not manly to." But some of them like the Arnold Schwarzenegger one said (in an Austrian accent) "Well I better learn how to read." So he got a job, he got a night job. He went to night classes and did learn a lot and he met a girlfriend Terminator. They married and had a bunch of kids and they lived happily ever after but the Meter Man didn't because the T100, he accidentally got flushed down the toilet and he died.

J: But then it turned out there was this big scandal and John Conner didn't have his degree so he had to take night classes at Tusculum until he got his degree. To get some extra money, he managed Checkers.

B: By that time, someone had built another mean robot and the mean robot went around and started tearing up all the books. So a bird came, this magical bird, and it carried the mean robot to an island nobody could get to and it couldn't get off of. And it's still there today. It's mist-covered and you can't see it. It can't be seen by a satellite either.

J: And that's the lesson of the story.

B: Don't scoff at books.

J+B: Yeah.

B: Oh, and P.S., John Conner died at the ripe old age of a billion...cause he was really old.

J: And he he kept eating those hamburgers and they'll put hair on your chest.

B: George Washington became the first President of the United States and later died and said, "If I'm going to die, I'm gonna take you with me."

J: And the dog, on December 21st, the dog finished directing the movie (*refers to a previous story).

B: And Abraham Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theater. The End. And Nicole Kidman killed herself and the Prime Minister raped her dead body and he got put in jail cause it was disgusting.

J: But it wasn't that disgusting because it was Nicole Kidman.

B: Right.

J: But he still got put in jail.

B: For a couple of days. And all the prisoners voted him "most likely to succeed." And he became Prime Minister again, then he became Prime Minister of Ontario. And after that he kind of fizzled out into nothing and he tried to be a male dancer but it wouldn't work because his wife, who was kind of mean anyway. So he had to make commercials for chewing gum and he had bad teeth anyway so they weren't the the greatest of commercials cause he was chewing and he was missing teeth and they were all brown. So they fired him and he became a librarian.

J: As we all do.

Written sometime in 1998