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Oh, Crud, You Can Now Reach Me, Triple-D [That Being Me] On the WORLD WIDE WEB

Is this Triple-D on the job?!

Please wait until this page loads fully! Thanks! I like it when you have to wait because of me!! Not really, it just sounded sorta funny. Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!! Anyhow, this is what I like to do on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Actually, the main thing I enjoy doing on the WORLD WIDE WEB is chatting with my online buddies on my favorite Internet Service Provider, the evil and stupid America Online (AOL).

America Online (AOL) is very cool, though also extremely evil - and their chat rooms are awesome, because no matter what time of the day you go into an AOL chat room, there are always crazy people in it, including people like me, Triple-D. But I don't do much else online; however, I did make this extremely cool webpage. Well, actually I didn't make it; my good buddy made it for me because he's just so darn cool. Sometimes. Other times he's just a big pile of creeping crud.

He would be my very best friend in the whole world, but he's kind of a dork...but don't tell him I said that or he might get mad. Anyway, I told my friend what I wanted on this homepage and he put it here for me. Do you like the music I picked out for this page? Thanks, I like it too. A lot. Anyhow, I guess I'm almost done telling you what I like to do on the WORLD WIDE WEB, so I guess I'm going to go chat on America Online (AOL) for awhile.

Please sign the guestbook even if you hate my website, because me and my pal put a lot of hard work into it, and he is somewhat okay or even almost good sometimes at making webpages. I said it was okay if he didn't do that great of a job on mine, but I still think my awesomely cool homepage is like the coolest awesome homepage ever. Don't you? Thanks, I'm glad you feel the same way, because I like it when that happens.

Well, good-bye for now, everybody. OH WAIT, DON'T LEAVE YET PLEASE, BECAUSE I have something else to say. If you're ever online and want to talk to me, you might have trouble since I'm always talking to my buddies on America Online (AOL). Some day I will live in a cardboard box outside America Online's headquarters and eat sandwiches all day and talk angrily to myself - but not right now, because now I have to go online using my favorite Internet Service Provider, America Online (AOL). Thanks!!!!!!!1 (By the way, I meant to put a 1 there. Yes, I really did. Really. YES. YES. YES. REALLY. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES.)

[Intro] [Main Page] [Disclaimer] [Ten Years Online] [Steel Step Wrestling] [Triple-D's Dark Secrets] [Metallica - The Enlightenment of Insanity] [Paintball RAWKZ!] [The King of Dust] [Moe About Me] [A Googly-Doogly] [MIDI Jukebox] [Hi From Triple-D (With Special Guest Star The Hand)] [You Can Reach Me On the WORLD WIDE WEB] [Triple-D's Girlfriend] [Merry Millennium] [This is BIG Me.] [Triple-D Ain't All Right] [Prepare for Y2D] [My Favorite Stuff] [The Page That Has My Best Friends] [Take Flight With Triple-D] [tripleds all time favorite internet website links] [The PANTERA Pages] [The End] [Who Am I?] [META-Tag Generator]

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Made Using Only the Finest Quality Love-Based Ingredients Best Viewed With Dustin

Disclaimer: The AGCSWF is purely a work of fiction. All storylines, situations and characters depicted herein are fabricated. Any resemblance to actual individuals living or dead is entirely coincidental.