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note: razor's world may seem difficult to navigate at times, but rest assured that all of the necessary pages are exactly where they are supposed to be. if a certain page looks out-of-the-ordinary, it is usually because it was intended to look that way in the first place. either that, or it's your fault and i will claim that i had nothing to do with it. it is also important to remind oneself of the fact that nothing on this website will hold relevance to any normal, healthy human being who has been blessed with a proportionate amount of correctly-functioning brain cells. regardless, thank you for spending a small part of your life here. 2022
deception you may proceed to page 2 (two) here trickery

conquest you may also skip to page 3 (three) here if you are so inclined achievements

[?] RwAoZrOlRd'S [?]

the following story is utterly devoid of a point, uses incorrect grammar, makes no sense at all, and i hate the fact that it is on my website: one day i saw a man walking down the street and he said RwAoZrOlRd'S to me and i said to him hey and he kept saying RwAoZrOlRd'S and i said what's wrong with you all you're saying is RwAoZrOlRd'S but he just kept saying RwAoZrOlRd'S over and over and over and over and over again with no end in sight and before too long i got kind of scared so i left but before i did i asked him if he had any money so of course he said RwAoZrOlRd'S to me so then i got mad and said okay that's it just leave me alone because since all you can seem to say is RwAoZrOlRd'S i no longer wish to have anything to do with you so the man who had been saying RwAoZrOlRd'S suddenly stopped and said wait you have to save the world and i said well i'm kind of busy right now and he said either you save the world right now or i'll say RwAoZrOlRd'S again and i know you don't want me to say that right and i said well no i guess i dont want you to say RwAoZrOlRd'S because frankly it annoys me so okay i'll save the world for you so he said okay here's what you have to do if you want to save the world just walk around on the street for a long time as in maybe about three months saying RwAoZrOlRd'S to everyone you meet and i told him hey that's just what you've been doing this whole time and he said duh of course that's what i've been doing this whole time but i'm kind of tired of doing it now plus people are starting to get annoyed at me so i want you to do it for awhile now so i said well in that case i'll do it so i sat down for a little while but then i got back up said started saying RwAoZrOlRd'S over and over and over again to everyone that i came in contact with and well i saved the world just by saying RwAoZrOlRd'S about five million times and i have to admit i was pretty proud of myself but then as i was walking along without any concerns or worries i met the man who used to say RwAoZrOlRd'S all the time and he said hey how have you been and i said well things could be better but for the most part i'm doing are just fine so how are you and then the strange man said RwAoZrOlRd'S to me and left. and that, my friends, is the story of how this website ended up being created. Welcome to Face220. Enjoy your stay.

: : : Here is how I learned it /thisiswhatIknow:::

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