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razor's world - a subsection of triple-d's homepage
this is razor's world*
|| redundancy || lost and found || perfection || end of story || influential || progressive || undeserving || never again || one... || two... || four... || three... || five... || six... || ten... || eight... || nine... || seven... || there will be more || much more || in the future ||

welcome to razor's world. this website has been specifically designed to make you go insane. beware, however, if you are using netscape navigator to surf the web, because your particular browser has been known to cause certain problems in razor's world. if you wish to see and experience razor's world to its fullest extent, please download microsoft internet explorer now. also note that this website is a subsection of another entity, triple-d's homepage, located here. that is all for the time being.

|| the beginning || you are here || u/p/d/a/t/e/s || snowpage. || moresnow. || hey3 Enterprises || the transporter || work-in-progress || WORLD/world || yourself || webpages || test ||

you should do your very best to restrain the overwhelming urge to click here

*This site is a subsection of Triple-D's Homepage and was chosen as's "Site of the Day" on November 4th, 2000...if anyone actually cares besides me. Which, of course, they do not.

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