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Happy Valentine's Day  

February 14 is Valentine's Day. Although it is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today, with the giving of candy, flowers, or other gifts between couples in love, it originated in 5th Century Rome as a tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop

Valentine's for Mothers, Too

Valentine's for mothers, too- A time to celebrate Love in all its symphony, Each gift of fertile fate. No pasture is more rich in grass; The sea is not so full; In heaven all the stars are not Near so plentiful, Each mother's heart to fill.

This Valentine's I Wish that You Were with Me

This Valentine's I wish that you were with me. It's lonelier than most days I'm alone, Even though we'll manage on the phone To touch with words the face we cannot see. You away are far more dear to me Than anyone who might remain at home. My love is in the places that you roam, Being with you where I cannot be. We do not choose the objects of our passion, But passively await the holy fire That immolates our past and lights our fate, Twisting through the alleys of desire. So I am yours, and will contented wait, Allowing love my life and will to fashion.

Love Comes Through the Eyes That See

Love comes through the eyes that see And through the ears that hear, For people are quite beautiful, And words make feelings clear. Love comes through the hands that touch With unabashed affection, For only skin-to-skin can love Maintain its true direction. Love comes through the tastes and smells Of fresh and well-cooked food, For in the gift of nourishment Is much else that is good. But though love comes through senses five, Love comes from the heart, For there resides the greater love Of which ours is a part.

Love Is from the heart Of the Father The giver of every Good and perfect gift, For love is The greatest gift of all.Love Has touched us And brought us Every meaningful thing That is in our lives, For love always gives The BEST.Love Will keep us And nourish us Enriching each day Of our journey For love is always growing And will abide FOREVER!!

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Updated Jan. 14, 2004