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Faze4 Quotes!

Alright, here are some of my favorite moments from Faze4 (and people that have something to do with Faze4 too...)Some of these are pretty funny! If you guys have any quotes to put up here, lemme know!

These quotes thanks to:Andrea--

Here's a quote from Stevie at their performance in Knoxville, TN:
"What are you doing here!!?" Ok, duh... I only drove 2 1/2 hours to see them sing!!! See, I go to Univ. of KY and it was close for me.
Stevie's reaction after seeing a picture of himself from 2 years ago...
" OH MY GOD!" then ran away.
Me to Stevie, "So, how do you like being 'famous'?"
Stevie smiles and says calmly, "It's pretty cool."

I've known them for about 3 years and that's all I can think of! Pretty sad huh? Well, I saw them for the first time in a year or two in February.Anyway you look at it, they are awesome guys and I love 'em to death!!! I miss watching them dance at the end of the night at Zero Gravity. I have lots of memories about them.Later-Andrea

These quotes thanks to: Nikki--

"Why do you want HIS autograph?"- Nikki
"Shut up (Pushes Me)"-Stevie
"I mean look at him he is fine"- 2 new fans
"Yeah He is more like UCK (Stuck my finger in my mouth)"- Nikki
"Shut up (Pushes Me). How did you get down here anyways?"-Stevie
"I walked , DUH"- Nikki
"Shut up or I'm gonna throw you in that sewer over there so you can play with the rats.....Oh look theres one now."-Stevie
"Oh I see it"-Mikey

"I love Polish Women."-Stevie
"I'm not Polish I'm Chinese"-Nikki
"Shut up."-Stevie
"I was born in China"-Nikki
"Really? That's Cool"-Erik
"No I wasn't. I lied"-Nikki

"I use to write like a girl."-Lucas
"You still do?"-Nikki
"No I don't. I mean I use to print like a girl. I still write cursive like a girl."-Lucas

"I like your glasses."-Mikey
"Thank You."-Nikki
"Do you like mine?"-Mikey
"Yeah. They are BOOOTYFUL."-Nikki

"Your boss is waiting for you."-Sergio

"Stevie wanted to come and say "Hi" to you guyz."-Erik
"Awww. I feel so special. NOT."-Nikki

"Lemme see your shoes. Those are cool."- Some girl
"No they aren't those are ugly. It looks like you could go swimmin in those shoes."-Nikki
"Maybe I will."-Stevie
"Hey , Hey you. (Starts to make fishy noises)"-Mikey

"Hi my name is Stevie."-Stevie
"You did not just introduce yourself to me."-Nikki
"Hi my name is Seamor."-Stevie

"Whata u doing?"-Sergio.
"Going into the mens room."-Nikki
"What? What is that?"-Sergio
"Toliet Paper."-Nikki

"can I get your number baby!"-Stevie
"Me too"-Sergio

"No shampoo is better if makes ur hair clean and smooth"Lucas
"No conditioner is better is makes ur hair soft and silky"Stevie

These quotes thanks to: Melissa--

"You like my pants serg?"-Melo
"aww, those are awsome."-sergio
"oh, i get it sergio valente/sergio toto,haha!"-mikey
"yeah,i thought it was creative"-Melo
"lucas,lucas,look at her but man,isnt that cool?,it says my name!"-sergio
"wanna sign them ?"-melo
"me?sign your but?"-sergio
"yeah!,why not!?"-melo

More Quotes!!!