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Our North Dakota

We live in North Dakota
Some think the old Wild West
Full of prairie dogs and bison
A grassy sort of desert, not livable we guess.

Some think that we’re a hearty breed
To live up here and thrive
The half million, plus, that live here
Are happy and very much alive.

Picture looking at the scenes
Of endless sky and land
No mountains to obscure your view
Beauties so numerous like countless grains of sand.

Small towns are scattered wisely
Throughout this state of ours
For way back when, on horseback
Ride between them, in daylight hours.

A mixture of many cultures
Are here and can be seen
Intermingling through the years
As each fulfilled their dreams.

Then think of all the seasons
That we can see each year
Spring and summer, fall then winter
We hold each one so dear.

Spring brings forth renewal
Of all the living things
As summer nurtures most of them
And the meadowlark still sings.

Fall is the time for gathering
The bounty of our seeds.
To feed and cloth the millions
That our harvests need.

The geese, the ducks, the other birds
Fly south, desert this pretty place.
It’s not that they don’t like it here
But our winters they can’t embrace.

Ah, winter time in North Dakota
Strikes fear in may hearts.
We brace ourselves in late fall,
Just before it starts.

The soil, the grass, lakes and streams
Will all feel winters grip.
As mother nature sends us winter
To make its yearly trip.

We never underestimate the winter
It does get cold we’re warned.
We wear clothes in many layers
To keep our bodies warm.

We really love our winters
So much we want to shout.
And the deep dark secret we know
It keeps the riff-raff out.


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April 11th, 2000