The thing I love most is beyond description
No words alone could give it justice
It is special, and is the most beautiful of all things
It will always be there
when i fall
when i hurt
when i cry
and it will guide me nomatter how difficult
It will never judge or tell me i’m not attiquit
It will never fail
And will always fix the broken
It wont let me down nomatter how i abuse it
It will put up with my shit
It will get back up when i push it down
It will love me when my heart is hurting and is broken
It will stand up for me when i’m picked on
If i break it will fix me
It would give up anything to protect me
It will pick up after me and clean my mess
It will comfort me when it is needed
It packs my lunch, and makes my dinner
It is always there and i don’t know why
with out fail
No word could say how much
i need this
i take it for granted
i’m truly sorry
And no word could say how much i love this
This is my mom, and no words are good enough for her
She is beyond description
She is bursting with love and compassion
With warmth and knowledge
Wisdom and strenth
She is perfect with out fail she is there for me
My mom....................
No word Alone could desrcibe my mother
All i can say is that i love her beyond description