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Day 3

Wednesday all three arrived at the studio. We only got pics of Barry and Maurice. Robin arrived at the same time as Maurice. We almost missed Maurice because Robin drove in first and Maurice was right behind him and we werent expecting it. Robin said hello again and rushed into the studios.(He remebered us)

Karen and Donna waiting outside the studio.

Still waiting.

Karen handing Barry a gift. (We gave Barry and Robin black shirts that said Massachusetts on them, and a card.)

Barry signing Donna's BGQ.

Trying to get Karen's name.

Signing Crystal's Bee Gees piano book.

Donna introducing her daughters to Maurice.

About to sign Donna's autograph.(I think he was reading what his brothers wrote.)

Signing Crystal's Bee Gees piano book.

I dont think they realized I was taking the picture.

After the last picture Maurice asked if we wanted a picture and posed with the girls.

I finally got to stand by my man! =)