Concert Review - 11-13-02 Riverside Church, NYC

Set List (thanks to the dent)

Wampum Prayer
Take To The Sky
Mrs. Jesus
Cornflake Girl
Little Amsterdam
Sweet Sangria

Band leaves

Cool On Your Island


Band returns

A Sorta Fairytale
Scarlet's Walk
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze

1st Encore

Leather (solo)
Amber Waves

2nd Encore

Tear In Your Hand
Hey Jupiter (Dakota version)

     This was an amazing show.  I had certain expectations about the show:  I expected that the crowd would be relatively well behaved - a small crowd in a church - and they were.  No shoving, no shouting, no smoking, pretty good smelling crowd too, lol.  I expected high energy from Tori, because she had John and Matt with her this time, plus a lot of the new album was high energy - that was a bit of an understatement, hehe.  Tori was beyond high energy, she was supernatural.  I was really curious to see what kind of instrument she'd have with her - I so loved the harpsichord on the Dew Drop Inn tour, I know last year she had 2 organs with her - she had sort of an organ/electric piano kind of thing with another keyboard laid on top of it.  It sounded good.  Kind of similar to last year's organs.

     I really wanted to hear a lot of songs, and she played most of them:  Cornflake Girl is my all-time fave, she did that one; I've always wanted to hear Take to the Sky live, she did that one too; I didn't expect to hear Wampum Prayer, but I wanted to, and she actually started off with that, so that was really kewl; I loved hearing Cool on Your Island and Cooling last year, and she did them again this show; I wanted to hear a lot of songs from the new album, specifically Wednesday, Sweet Sangria, Pancake, Mrs. Jesus, and I Can't See New York, and she did all those - I also wanted to hear Crazy and Tombigbee and Operation Peter Pan, but hey, you can't have everything in life ; ).  Hearing Little Amsterdam and Sugar and Hey Jupiter were just gravy, they're some of my faves too.  Long story short - it was a great set and I was very happy with it. =)

     We got there a little late - I think Howie had already started when we got there.  It was really really cold out, so even though we were probably only waiting on line outside for about ten or 15 minutes, it seemed a little longer.  Thank God for leather jackets. ;-)

     When we got in, they told us that we had to go upstairs to the balcony, which we were not at all happy about, since there were huge concrete arches that completely blocked our view of the stage, but after the opening act was over, they announced that anyone with a $37.50 ticket could go downstairs (that's us, yay!).  When we got downstairs, we managed to get a seat about halfway back about in the middle, which was pretty darn good considering we weren't at all early.  I was very happy about how well I could see from where I was sitting, especially considering that it was general admission and we didn't get there early at all.  Surreal to be sitting in pews with real Bibles and everything at a Tori show, lol.

     Tori started off with Wampum Prayer, which kinda reminded me of the way she started off with '97 Bonnie & Clyde last year, from offstage, and that was really nifty.  Of course, the show being in a church was especially kewl/ironic with it being a Tori show - she started off with Pancake, and when she did Crucify, when she sang the line "why do we - crucify ourselves" the first time around, the lights came up on the back wall to reveal the cross over the piano, which was a nice effect.  And of course also I Can't See New York and China and Wednesday because she was playing in a church, in New York, on a Wednesday (very nifty).  Those elements in there made the whole set extra special in that way.

     I always love it when Tori talks to us, she always has a funny story or interesting tidbit to share, and I wished she said more during the show.  The only thing that she said was about playing in a church, and her father saying how she's come full circle that way.  I'm sure someone else remembers what she said verbatim, or at least better than I remember.

     Tori seemed pretty happy/excited to be there - she was singing with a lot of force, especially at the beginning.  During the first song or two, she was actually bouncing, and singing with so much force she was practically shouting, I noticed that she was lowering octaves of a couple notes here and there so that she could sing them louder.  It was nice seeing John and Matt there, but I also think it was a good thing there was no guitar this time - it wasn't necessary, bass and drums are plenty to let the songs take off.  Tori does the rest!

     Stuff - they had a poster, several shirts, a program, some other kind of stationary-looking thing, and 2 necklaces for sale at the show, there might have been more things but I didn't notice.  I got a "Tori Amos '02" necklace, the poster and the program.  The program was really nice, it had lots of Scarlet journals in it, and beautiful pictures.  Not at all fair that you couldn't bring in any drinks or even buy them there and bring them in.  We were thirsty.

     Even though last year's show at the Beacon was amazing, this one was ten times better, in just about every way.  The setlist was amazing, the band was amazing, our seats were way better, the crowd was better, Tori's outfit was better, and she seemed way more enthused, I think even the lights were better, they even used lights that looked like stained glass on the church walls.  I wish we'd gotten a chance to meet Tori again - I learned how to crochet so that I could make her a scarf, but hey, we'll see her again in March.  Bottom line:  yay Tori!  =)
