1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. B
Give yourself one point for every correct answer.
You could be AJ's very own special wild child pal! You know exactly what makes this wacky guy tick-that underneath all the tattoos and hair-color changes and zany hats, he's a sincere and loyal dude, dedicated to his mother and his Backstreet pals over all. But that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have a really good time! Nice job!
Okay, so you know all about AJ's zany antics, but maybe you have yet to discover the other side of him-the sweet and sensitive guy who devoted some of his free time after the exhausting Millennium tour to charity. That's right-posing as Johnny Suede, and later Johnny No-Name, AJ performed several solo concerts to benefit VH-1's Save the Music Foundation, and organization devoted to keeping the teaching of music alive in public education. Want to know more? Do your digging and see what you can come up with!
Girlfriend, it's time to open your eyes! AJ is the most visible-not to mention outspoken-of the Backstreet babes. He's the easiest one to get to know. Check out the official Backstreet Boys website or pick up a few Backstreet bios. You'll be sure to learn everything you've ever wanted to know. (P.S. AJ's ex-girlfriend Marisa Jackson wrote a tell-all book about her life with AJ. Proceed with caution reading this one-she is his ex-girlfriend, after all!)