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Raw Material Committee/Volunteer/Investors


Committee members are part volunteer, part investor, part artist.  They are the dedicated staff to the presentation of the festival. If you request to be on the board, please be aware of the work involved before and during the event.


Volunteers are requested for set-up, stage hands, runners, door person, and other odd details. Please contact us for volunteer details.


Investors help the festival grow, and if the festival grows, the income helps to balance the cost of the show. If the income exceeds the cost, a profit is made. The show's income increases each year while its cost decreases somewhat. This is an established event with five years running and the committee works hard to see it become fruitful because its their investment as well. What's the deal if I invest?

The investments work like this (as it has for the last number of years): Investors volunteer funds, equipment, food, promotion, etc.,. Time is a volunteer commodity that is a non-financial investment but is greatly appreciated. If the investment is a one-time (example: food, dated promotional material, etc.) or first-time entry (funds, equipment not previously used for the festival), then full value, with receipt/invoice, will be granted as a percentage of the full cost toward the RM event. If an investment has been used in previous Raw Material events, then half the value (depreciation), as recorded in previous RM invoices, will be granted as a percentage of the full cost toward the RM event. Investments must be available for total duration of the festival. Investments for individual artist use and/or without receipt/invoice are considered nullified.  The percentage toward the full cost of the event invested equals the percentage of the income generated from the RM festival to be refunded to the investor after the event. Example: Person X invests $100.00 to the total cost of the show which is $1000.00 (10% of the show's cost). Person X tells friends/family/everybody and helps promote the show to help increases ticket sales. The festival's income is $3000.00 (a $2000.00 profit). Person X receives $200.00 (making $100.00 profit)"straight-across-the-board" (no hidden fees) OR Person Y invests $200.00 in equipment that was used last year making his/hers investment value at $100.00 (due to depreciation) into the $1000.00 show. Person Y forgets to promote the event. The festival's income is $500.00 (a $500.00 lose). Person Y receives $50.00. The point being, promotion is everyboby's job. We do ask that investors join the committee which addresses the Raw Material Guidelines., investors receive free access to the event, web site link, and announcement on promotion material.

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Copyright 2002 Ancient Desert Sounds and Recording