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Cari's Web Page

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"For All You Do"

For all the times You help me grow

And for all the seeds You've helped to sow

For all the tears You've cared to dry

And for all Your patience when I ask 'Why'

For all those times when I give up

And say 'please take away this cup'

For all the things You show to me

And for all the Truth You've let me see

For all the times You drag me along

And for all the right You've made from wrong

For all Your love You send my way

And for Your promise of a better day

For all the things You help me 'let go'

And for all the mountains You help make low

For all the rainbows after a storm

And for all Your sunshine to keep me warm

For all You do each and every day

And for all Your guidance along the way

For all the courage You give me to pursue

Thank You God, this bud's for You....

sorry your missing my music

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